Harry carried Louis, Zayn brought Louis’ toy bag with them as they settled down. Liam and Niall had the bench beside of them, and right in front of them was a family with a hybrid. Louis sat on his knees trying to see it when Harry shook his head, “No. We’re are going to leave it alone. Sit on you’re bottom before I warm you’re bottom.” Harry warned, Louis sighed sitting down. “Thank you.” Louis only crossed his arms ignoring him. Zayn on the other hand was trying to keep his cool but he had never flown before. Like ever. Zayn was clutching the seat handles when a flight attendant started talking about safety.  But it was also right then when Liam decided it was a good time to talk, “Would you shut up?!” Zayn griped, Liam gasped, Niall scoffed putting his arm around him, Zayn pointed towards the attendant, “I’m trying to listen.” Harry chuckled, “It’s like you’ve never flown before.” Zayn chuckled nervously, “yea.” Harry gasped, “You’ve never flown before?!” Zayn glared, “Would ya shut up about it?! I just.. I’m not big into traveling. Harry squeezed his arm, “It’s going to be okay.” Zayn nodded laying back on the seat. He had five hour flight ahead of him.

An hour into the flight Niall and Liam had went to the bathroom. Harry was trying to rest when Louis tapped on his shoulder, “what?” “Papa I bored.” Louis whined, Harry sighed, “I’m sorry bud. Why don’t you ask daddy for a toy?” He shook his head, “cuddle?” He asked Harry. Harry let him crawl in his lap, “You gonna take a nap buddy?” Harry asked, Louis shook his head, but in seconds fell asleep. 

Niall and Liam finally came back, Liam had tear tracks on his cheeks and his walk had a slight limp in it. “Someone not have fun?” Zayn asked, Liam glared at him, Niall lightly patted his bum, “Sit down babe.” Liam cuddled into Niall. Zayn chuckled, he had been there. Harry was a animal during sex. Looking over he saw Harry staring out the window, Louis asleep on his chest, Zayn grabbed Louis’ hand kissing his knuckles. Harry turned his head seeing Zayn, “Hey.” He whispered, Zayn smiled, “Hey.” Harry blew a kiss, Zayn caught it, “I’ll keep it forever.” “Thanks. Bae.” Harry chuckled. Zayn did too looking at Niall and Liam cuddling. Shifting Louis Harry put him back in his own seat. “I’m going to the bathroom.” Louis stirred and woke up, “Papa?” He called, Zayn pushed his hair back, tucking it under the beanie. “He went to the bathroom.” Louis sighed looking straight ahead. The hybrid’s ears were perked up, Louis jerked off his beanie feeling his own ears. Zayn glanced at him from the corner of his eye, when he did a double take, “Louis!” He yelled, Pulling the hat back on, Louis growled angrily. Zayn’s eyes winded in anger, “That’s how you wanna act fine.” Pulling Louis to the bathroom he waited for Harry to get out, “what’s going on.” Harry asked, “Louis pulled off his beanie and growled at me.” Zayn said anger dripping from his voice, “Wow calm down. Don’t spank him on the plane. Everyone will hear it. Put this on him, We’ll deal with him at Grandma and Grandpa’s.” Harry said handing him a tube of Icy/Hot.

Louis was silently crying, spilling out apologies, when Zayn pulled him into the tiny bathroom slapping his backside hard as he could one good time. Louis yelped, “You never growl at me or daddy again little boy.” Zayn scolded, ripping his jeans and boxers down, applying a fair amount of Icy/Hot to his bum. Zayn knew it hurt like hell. Harry had used it on him whenever he found out Zayn tried to over dose. It was rare for Harry or Zayn to punish each other but Harry loved Zayn, so he needed to show him that doing that was NOT okay. Zayn pulled up Louis’ pants carrying him back to their seat. Putting Louis in his seat he slammed down in his own seat. Louis cried in his hands, it didn’t bother Zayn until Louis started really sobbing loudly. Grumbling under his breath Zayn stuffed Louis’ pacifier in. 

Harry sighed, “Zayn! You have to control you’re temper around him. He doesn’t understand.” Harry chastised putting Louis on his lap. Louis snuggled into him, Harry was lightly patting his bottom, humming quietly when Louis fell asleep. 

Finally the flight ended, Harry carried Louis off the plane, Zayn trudged behind them. Liam and Niall strolled off too, walking to baggage claim. Harry bought a rental car, Putting Louis on Zayn’s lap in the back, his parents had a car seat. Liam and Niall filed in too. Arriving at Harry’s parents house, Harry carried Louis in, “He is very grumpy, let him sleep it off then you can have him.” Harry warned, Anne huffed, “Fine.” she threw her hands up, Harry chuckled, “Zayn go get me some milk to get off the icy hot, then I’m just gonna give him twenty.” Zayn shook his head, “That’s to much Harry.” Harry frowned, “Zayn this is the second time he’s growled at you. He needs to learn that’s not okay.” Zayn shrugged going to get the milk. “Louis wake up.” Harry ordered, Louis groaned fisting his eyes, “Louis it’s not okay to growl at daddy or me. And you are not allowed to take off you’re hat in public. Or here.” Harry lectured bending Louis over his knee. He started light, but at ten increased. 

SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP “Last five babe.” Harry soothed, Louis was a bawling mess. But Harry made these the hardest. Slapping his sit spots, he picked Louis up cuddling him in his chest. Louis was bawling, “I-I S-swwoy!” He cried, Harry nodded kissing his face repeatedly, Louis’ cries turned into sniffles when Zayn brought the milk. Getting the icy hot off Louis made grabby hands at Zayn who snuggled him instantly. “I love you so much Louis! Please stop growling at me.” Louis nodded, “Wove you too.” 

Zayn carried Louis out to the living room, where Liam and Niall were stuck listening to Robin Harry’s dad. “Robin they don’t care.” Harry said flatly, he grumbled curse words storming out. “Come see grandma!” Anne screeched, patting her lap, Louis kicked his feet wanting down, Zayn put him on the floor, Louis crawled to Anne. Anne put him on her lap rocking in the chair, “How are you baby boy?” she cooed, Louis smiled petting her curly hair. “P-papa.” He sang bouncing it, Harry chuckled, “It is like Papa’s hair baby. He really likes curly hair mom. I’d be careful.” She waved him off. “He can do whatever he wants. It’s my grandson.” Louis giggled clapping his hands, “T-teddy!” He demanded, Zayn gave a look “No yelling.” Louis nodded reaching for his teddy bear Harry was holding. Harry handed it to him tapping his cheek, “Can I have a kiss?” Louis shook his head, “No.” he giggled, Harry hid his face in his hands pretending to cry, when Louis grabbed his hand kissing it. Harry bent down touching his forehead to Louis’ “I love you.” Louis kissed his cheek, “Love you too papa.”

Anne awed, “This isn’t the cutest boy I’ve ever seen. He almost resembles you Harry. Has you’re nose.” Harry rolled his eyes, “Well I got dad’s nose.” Anne shrugged, “Just saying.” “Saying what?” Robin asked coming back in, he grinned at Louis, “Hey there little buddy. Come to grandpa!” Louis went to him shocking Harry and Zayn both. “Is Papa being good?” Robin asked, Louis shook his head giggling, “He’s not?” Robin gasped, Harry sent a tiny glare to Louis, “It’s you that’s not behaving.” Harry replied narrowing his eyes, Louis put a finger over his lips, “No papa.” Harry chuckled taking Louis, “You’re being silly. But I think it’s nap time.” It was after all two in the afternoon. Putting Louis down Harry went back into the living room sitting on the couch. Zayn squeezed his knee when Robin sat down. “Harry we wanted you to come because of who they said Hayden killed.” Harry gave a look, “Who?” Robin grunted “Jay Tomlinson. Louis’ mom.”

*Cliff hanger! SoI promised I’d have another chapter up today and I did! It took me a while cause I don’t know I’m just having writers block. Oh well. This is chapter 12 of A fathers Heart! Hope you luv it!!! And isn’t Bae a funny word?! : ) Until next time ~Emma : ) 

~Side Note: @Harper221 hope Louis's spanking was good! :)

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