Count 36: Charlotte's Laboratory

Start from the beginning

"KAU SURUH AKU TENANG!? KAU NAK MATI!?" Soal Sarah berang.

"Hey, hey. Kau nak bunuh pasangan kau sendiri?" Soal Leon.

"Kau nak!?"

"Haih. Cuba tenangkan diri dulu. Aku tahu aku salah. But, chill. Kau punya amarah sampai aku sendiri kau nak bunuh. Kalau kau bunuh aku siapa yang sanggup jadi pasangan kau? Siapa lagi sanggup bersama dengan kau? Bertempur dengan kau? Kau yakin tak menyesal kalau aku tiada nanti?" Soal Leon seraya duduk sebelah melutut di hadapan Sarah.

Remaja perempuan itu mula menunduk. Dia segera mendiamkan diri.

"Don't say that, dummy." Kata Sarah perlahan.

"Hah..Kan boleh bertenang. Chill out, will ya?" Soal Leon tersenyum. Sarah mengangguk.

"Hey, janganlah muka muram je. Cuba ceriakan diri tu? I don't like someone I love make that kind of face. Smile. Because your smile is my precious treasure." Kata Leon tersenyum lembut.

"I try."

"So, you what are build in this room? What it is? A Great Sword?" Soal Leon.

"Yeah! This sword is a part of my body. I mean my flame."

"Could you tell me more?"

"I generate my flame into this sword and make it a Great-Flame-Sword!" Kata Sarah teruja.

"Oh wow! So, with this you can fight Unknown?"


"I see. Well, no bad! I'm proud of you." Balas Leon tersengih.

"Of course!"

"Alright. One sec, I'm going somewhere. So, you can continue. Okay?"


Leon segera beredar dari bilik itu. Setelah kelibat Leon tiada. Sarah segera menutup mukanya.

"I don't like someone I love make that kind of face."

"He really love me, huh?" Soal Sarah sendirian. Mukanya kini merah padam.

"Because your smile is my precious treasure."

"Argh! Why your words make me blushing, goddamnit!"

Ketika itu, Leon dan Olivia hampir tiba di sebuah bilik.

"Macam mana tuan kenal dengan anak Profesor Char?"

"Eh? Prof tak beritahu? Sarah ialah pasangan saya."



Akhirnya mereka tiba di sebuah bilik luas. Kelihatan seorang wanita memakai cermin mata sedang melakukan sesuatu.


"Ah, Olivia and young boy." Balas wanita itu.

"Kalau begitu, tuan. Saya undurkan diri." Kata Olivia.


Olivia segera beredar. Leon memasuki bilik yang agak berterabur sedikit.

"So, what bring you here today, young boy?" Soal wanita itu.

"Here, my King and Queen."

"You need me to maintenance your weapon? Those two is one of my greatest weapon I ever created."

"You know me, Prof Char." Balas Leon.

Ya, orang itu ialah Charlotte J. Robert. Salah satu penyelidik dan pencipta teknologi terhebat di Realm of Life. Juga ibu kandung kepada Sarah.

"Haih. Fine. Let me check it." Kata Charlotte.

"Alright." Leon meletak dua pucuk pistol itu di atas sebuah meja.

Dia kemudian duduk di atas sofa single yang terdapat dalam bilik itu.

Tiada perbualan antara mereka berdua. Charlotte sibuk memeriksa senjata yang Leon bawa.

Setelah beberapa minit berdiam diri. Charlotte membuka soalan.

"So far Sarah ada buatkan kau susah? I mean..Her attitude is worst."

"Prof nak jawapan jujur atau bohong?" Soal Leon.


"Anak prof biasa je perangai."

"Kalau jujur?"

"Yes! Dengan perangai serupa lelaki, mulut tiada lesen memang buatkan kesabaran saya tercabar. I mean, look at her! Where did her get that attitude? Haih.."

"Erk..I'm sorry on behalf of my daughter." Ucap Charlotte.

"Nah...No need. Because of that attitude make me love her.." Balas Leon selamba.

Kerja Charlotte segera terhenti. Cermin mata segera diletakkan di atas meja.

"What did you said?"

"I love her..."

"What!? Are you insane!?"

"What...? You're the one told her to change her attitude to be more feminine. What's wrong with that?"

"You love her just because I told her to change her attitude?"

"No. I love her because Sarah is Sarah." Balas Leon.

"Are fucking kidding me?"

"Nope. Imma serious right now. Don't cha see?"

"Haih..." Keluh Charlotte.

"Chill, prof. I know Sarah is your only daughter. But, you can rest easily. No need to worried about her because we share same soul." Balas Leon tersenyum.

"Alright then, I'm counting on you, son-in-law.."

"Sure, mother-in-law.."

"Your joke sure on another level, aren't ya?"

"Still far to be compare with Ikhwan Syah Al' Solleh."

"Who's that?"

"Don't know."

"You're weird."

"I know that."

So, here another update. Cepat, kan?

Jangan expect aku cepat update. Hanya kebetulan dan bukannya suratan.


Anyways, korang bolehlah beri feedback korang mengenai chapter ni di ruangan komen di bawah.

Stay home stay healthy.


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