"You don't have the guts to defy me girl."

"Watch me."

"Listen here you pathetic excuse of human being I no longer follow you, nor respect you, this is the last day I'm in this house. I found a roomate and I'm moving out, I have a job and someone trustworthy to take care of mom so dont ever think about bossing my life. I may be stupid to let you do that in the past but not anymore. You want to save your business go do something for once in your life and stay away from me and my mom." my voice rebuked no argument.

"Emma listen to me. Adam is a good person, I will talk to him. He can forgive you, get married this is important to my company."Mr Caron pleaded for the first time in his life.

"I don't want Adam to save me, I don't want you to protect me. I can do it on my own. I need to live my life the way I want to, that will never happen so please Dad let me go. You never did anything that earned my respect so once think about me and let me be." I argued.

"Emma don't be naive, you will wipe tables without any financial help. You will get money for  studying in art school, Adam has contacts... don't be a fool." Mr Caron insisted again.

"Get out."


"I said leave. Never show me your face again, if you do may God help me I will be the one to put you in jail." I yelled.

"You will regret this." Mr Caron spat disgustedly looking at his daughter and went out slamming the door.

I slumped on the couch blinking back tears, there another part of me was lost. My father though a terrible person it hurt that he left, it hurt to know that he only used me as a means to save his business, all my life I let him dictate the terms of everything I ever had, no more, I will take wrong choices, I will make mistakes, I will lose, but it will be my choice, and I will deal with every problem I have just like I did now.

I went into the kitchen and started aggressively scrubbing the dishes, then wiped the shelves until they were sparkling and was looking for something else to clean when the door was slammed repeatedly. Thinking it must be Dad again I opened to yell at him when a large figure pushed in and locked the door.

Adam Rian, stood before me in a state in which no one would recognise him. His hair was rumpled, a few bruises on his face and forehead and his tie hung low on his neck, shirt buttons were torn and he was limping, looks like pretty boy went into a fight to take out his frustration.

"Get out Adam." I snapped in no mood to talk to anyone.

"Why did you do that to me Emma, do you think that low of me? We were supposed to get married in four weeks and you betrayed me. How could you do that to me?" Adam slurred pushing me into the wall and caging me with his huge frame.

"I didn't want to marry you, what do you expect me to do when I was forced into all this?" I pointed out.

"I expect your loyalty, your mine. I saved you from your father." Adam bargained pushing me further into the wall.

"You and my father took away my choice from me. That's not something I will accept." everyday I have seen my parents failed marriage, and I know the effect it has on a child, I couldn't marry another person like my father and subject the same behaviour to an innocent child. I will never get married, putting so much trust in a person is not easy for the walls I put up.

    It's not easy for me to open up and be in a vulnerable position, and I had to put my trust in Adam and you can very well imagine why it would be a stupid idea.

"Dont think you're safe just because you are in cahoots with Gwen Carter, I will have my revenge and there is someone who will help me. Someone who wants to see Gwen fall more than I do, and when he finds you, you better be scared." Adam slurred almost collapsing, then straightened up gingerly searching for something in his pocket.

Adam proudly flashed me his expensive car keys and moved towards his car barley able to stand on his feet.

"Adam you're drunk, don't drive. I will drive you home or you take a cab." I instructed, drunk people behind the wheel are a hazard to both themselves and people on the road. I won't let him drive in this condition, even though I hate him.

"What I do, or what I don't do doesn't concern you bitch. Mind your own business when you have few moments of peace." Adam sneered furiously pushing the keys of the car  drive at top speed.

I decided to follow him with my own car when I saw my family doctor's call flash on my phone, he doesn't usually call unless there is a problem. God, please let her be fine. I took a u turn towards the hospital hoping Adam will get his stupid ass home safely.

My next update will be Sunday.

Thank you to all the people reading my story, please vote and comment.

What do you think will happen next?

Do you think Adam will give up that easy?

Did Emma do the right thing in calling out her Dad?

Until next time.

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