Falling In Love for the First Time

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Hey! I wrote the second chapter but I'm not getting any feedback so I don't know if anyone likes the story at all. I don't mind if you don't, I just really want to know what you think, but if you do thanks for reading.

So enjoy the story but remember comments and votes are much appreciated!

<3 JMarie

Chapter Two

It was late Sunday afternoon and Christina had just got home from dropping Jennifer off at her dad's house. Jennifer and Christina had a ton of fun last night. They went out to dinner and got into an eighteen or older club, Violence with their two best friends, Faith and Farrah. They all had danced all night long and Jennifer met a guy that was only eighteen, a year older than her, but he was also a college student. Which could be either a good thing or a bad thing, Christina thought.

Now she was home alone because her parents had flown to Howard University so they could see her oldest sister, Amber give a presentation and probably wouldn't be back until late tomorrow morning. So throwing her keys on the kitchen counter and pulling out her cell phone, she texted her mom, "Just lettin' U know that I'm at home. Have fun and tell Amber I love her. I'll call U before I go to bed."

Christina poured herself a glass of berry punch and went up to her room to finish her homework. Turning on the radio and sitting down at her desk, she finished writing her English paper in thirty minutes. It was a research paper on the social issues in teen life like sex and peer pressure with drugs and alcohol.

After that she got halfway through her Spanish project. This project was just to write a paper on a spanish activity she did, which was looking up important days to latinos like Cinco de mayo and their independence day.

Looking out the window and seeing the sun setting, Christina decided that she'll finish it tomorrow after school.

"Bzz. Bzz. Bzz." Reaching for her phone and picking it up without looking to see who was calling but thinking it was her mom. Christina said, "Hola," in a chippery voice.

"Hola to you too," the voice responded and it definitely was not her mom. "I didn't think you would pick up," the person continued.

Immediately knowing who it was. She said, "Oh, now Jason you don't think I'm that rude. Do you? Plus I thought it would be my mother."

He chuckled. "To answer your question, no I don't think you're rude at all."

"Good, because I aim to satisfy you!" she said stubbornly while crossing her legs. Completely ignoring his question.

"Oh, is that right?"

Christina exhaled deeply."What do you want, Jason?"

"I was wondering if you, Christina wanted to hang out. Maybe go get some ice cream. What do you say?"

"I don't eat ice cream," she lied. Although she wasn't in the mood for ice cream, it was her favorite dessert.

"Really?" he said sarcasticly. "Tell me why I don't believe you."

"Umm, I don't know. Tell me why you think I'm lying," Christina battered.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because your friend, Kaylie, who just happens to be my cousin told me your favorite ice cream is cookie dough. So being the smartass that I am I assumed you would have to like ice cream to have a favorite."

She laughed trying to overlook the fact that she'd just been caught in a lie. "Okay, so I see you've done your research."

"Yes, I have. So come on."

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