Chapter 5: Mother and Father Reunited :)

Start from the beginning

"What?! Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine I just want to take a shower." I said. "Can you get me some clothes? Oh and I need some Saran wrap and duck tape!" I yelled after him.

We taped the Saran wrap to my side and back where my stiches were so they wouldn't get wet and then I took a long hot shower. Louis had ran down the street to a huge Mall and bought me a whole lot of clothes from Paternaty Stores. He shoved them all through the bathroom door whilst I was still in the shower.

I got done washing the dirt and sweat tears and dust from my body and got out and chose a outfit. None of them were pretty but at least they fit. And I really liked one of the outfits the Jeans fit perfect and I wore a Royal Blue long sleeve. I came out and instead of my hair being black it was actually its normal brunette color except it was turning into a dirty blond color like Louis. Weird.

I opened the bathroom and the guys helped me back into the bed when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in?" Louis ask/answered. Niall opened the door and stuck his head in.

"Wait! Don't let them in." I said knowing it was Harry. "Guys help me up!" I said rushing them as Niall watched with a cocked eyebrow. The blue shirt really showed off that I was pregnant. So I wanted to be standing up when Harry saw me. "Ok I'm ready." I said as Niall opened the door slowly.

Harry stepped in looking the same as always. Beautiful, Handsome, Happy, Excited. I looked at him when his eyes landed on me he smiled until he saw my stomach. He walked to me and then landed on his knees at my feet and started sobbing. I was scared more like shocked. He placed his hand on my stomach.

"Jefferson?" he asked. "I'll-"

"No Harry. It's yours." I said with a trembling voice. Looking down at him his face shot up and looked me in the eyes. I sank down slowly on my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck and squeazed the life out of him. But he just sat there. He didn't hug me back. He just sat there.

"Harry?" I asked leaning back to see his face.I started to cry as he stood shaking his head. "Harry." I said as he turned around. "Harry!" I screamed as he walked out of the room and left me there. In the floor screaming for him. "Harry!" Inhale. "Harry!" Inhale. "Harry! Damn You! Harry Please!" I screamed til my throat was hoarse but he had long left the room and was probably out on the town by now.

Louis sat there along with Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall holding me in his arms. I was so sad it felt as though my heart had been ripped from not only my chest but my baby's as well my hurt was amplified. I sat there sobbing in his arms. Until I could sob no more and was in and empty heart broken state. Then all at once it happened. I slowly slipped into a peaceful darkness. But instead of darkness there was light.

"Avan? Avan? Avan?!" Someone screamed.

"Whoa what?" I asked as I sat there on the bed.

"You were like day dreaming or something." Zayn said feeling my fore head. "Are feeling okay?" he asked me.

"Yea, I'm fine." I said as there was a knock on the door.

"Come in?" Louis ask/answered. Weird just like my day dream.

"Someone here to see you Avan." Niall said.

"Wait! Don't let them in." I said knowing it was Harry. "Guys help me up!" I said rushing them as Niall watched with a cocked eyebrow. The blue shirt really showed off that I was pregnant. So I wanted to be standing up when Harry saw me. "Ok I'm ready." I said as Niall opened the door slowly. Just like my daydream. I hope nothing else goes like my day dream.

In a flash I was in Harry's arms and he was practically sucking my face off. I giggled in between kissed until he set me down. He saw my stomach and stopped.

"Avan...." he said. "Did Jefferson-"

I cut him off. "It's yours Harry. We slept together the night you showed my the canyon remeber?" I told him. He just stared at me. For 5 minutes all eyes were on Harry and I.

"Oh my god." Harry said sitting down on the side of the bed then Lou sat down on one side of him I on the other. He looked at Louis and said "I'm going to be a daddy." he said with tears. "I'm going to be a daddy!" he said to me putting his hand on the small bump under my shirt.

"I'm going to be a mommy!" I said then stopped for the first time it actually sunk in."Oh god. I'm going to be a mommy." but as soon as I said it I was happy again as I embraced Harry and then all the happiness was broken by one sentence.

"How are we going to explain this to the world?" Niall asked. All of our heads shot towards Harry.


Okay guys what did you think of this chapter and Harry and Avan's reunited! dont worry the next chapter is coming soon! I hope you guys enjoy it comment vote and fan please!

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