As I walked out of the office I couldn't help but want to get out of here as fast as I could. I was almost to the front door when someone stepped in front of me. "Well look who it is, it's the fat ass ugly bitch." Anastian said to me. She was the queen bitch around the school and was the main reason as to why I was bullied so much. "What, have nothing to say fatty, you in to much of a hurry to go and eat some more?" Usually I would just stay quiet until she got bored of making fun of me and left me alone. But today was a start of a whole new day for me.

"You know what I do have something to say you toothpick thin bitch!" I said to her, I couldn't believe that came out of me. I heard her and all her little minions gasp at me. They probably thought I was death or mute because I never talked. But now that I did say something to them I couldn't help but say more thing. "I am so sick of you thinking you can say whatever you want and there will be no consequences. You are a selfish bitch who is so insecure about yourself that you feel like you have to make me feel bad about myself. But not anymore bitch, not today. I am finally getting out of this place to do bigger and better things. As for you, you better hope you marry rich. But even then your husband will eventually tire of you and cheat on you countlessly until he divorces you for someone a hell of a lot better. You'll loose all your little minions and turn to drinking. You'll end up alone, you'll die alone, and no one will be there for you at your funeral . So fuck you, yes I may be big, but I can always loose weight. But you will always be a pathetic bitch!"

With that I walked the rest of the way out of the school. I passed both teachers and students who looked flabbergasted. Honestly I was on the same boat as them, but didn't show it. I couldn't believe I had just said all that to her, but god did it feel so damn good. I never had the nerve to do anything like that before. I walked out of the school feeling like a million bucks. Maybe this diploma was my good luck charm. My way to a new and better life. I couldn't wait to go home and show Londa (my foster mom) my diploma. Today a women from the agency was coming over to grant me my freedom. She wanted to make sure I got my diploma before I was able to go off on my own.

As I was walking home I couldn't help but think about how different things would have been if I had a family. If my mom and dad had never died. I bet they wouldn't love me just like everyone else. I bet they would be disappointed to have such a fat daughter. They would probably treat me like almost everyone else did. I quickly tried to take the thoughts out of my head because it shouldn't effect me anymore. I've come to terms with the fact that I could never be loved, but sometimes it still hurts thinking about it. Who cares anyway because I am finally going to be free.

I continued to walk for a good twenty minutes before I reached my foster home. In a way I was going to miss it, but I was so glad I was finally leaving it all behind. I looked at the street to see two cars I have never seen their before parked outside. The people from the foster agency must be here! I quickly ran up the stairs into the house. "Londa I got my diploma, are the people from the agency here." I called out as I shut the door. I looked in the living room the see Londa sittting there with two other women. One who was in a suit and had a clip board with her, and the other had coygirl boots on with jeans, and a flannel shirt. What the heck was going on?

"Danielle dear why don't you have a seat." I rolled my eyes at hearing her say this. She never calls me cute names like that unless somone important was around us. I honestly could care less at the moment beause I was about to hear some amazing news. "Danielle this is Harret from the Agency, she has some good new for you." She said to me with a smile.

I looked at the women waiting for her to speak. This it the moment I have been waiting for. I am so beyond excited, I wish she would just say it already. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Danielle we have some amazing news for you. We have found some of your family, well rather they found us. This women beside me is your Aunt Lisa, and she is here to take you back with her to your home town." I was about to jump up with joy until I heard what she said.

"Exuse me, did you just say family? I don't have a family, I have no one. That is why I am able to leave here once I got my diploma. You said I could leave if I did that." I said to her with anger in my voice.

"Things have recently changed Danielle. You see Lisa here is your godmother. Seeing as both of your paretns are dead she is the next in line to decide where you go. She has the power and right to take you with her. Not only that but you are only seventeen. You won't be eighteen for another four months." The agency women said to me.

"What, wait what does this mean?" I asked with confusion.

The women who said she was my aunt spoke next. "It means you are conning home with me to Austin, Texas sweety." She said to me. This has to be some sick joke right. The house is playing a joke on me on my last few days there. There is no way this is real, There is no way that my freedom was taken away again. There is no fucking way I am moving to Austin Texas!


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