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"Manoban!" Irene yelled in a surprise not expecting to see the person she despised the most.

"What the fuck Irene!"

Irene shook herself out of her confused trance and stepped all the way inside the dorm.

"Get the fuck out my dorm Manoban!" She yelled as she began to pushed Lisa out of the dorm.

Lisa on the other hand didn't like this and retaliated.

"Fuck off this is my dorm." Lisa pushed back against Irene causing the older to stumble back.

"You probably just got your room number wrong." Lisa grumbled walking over to her bag to pull her dorm key out and showed to Irene and Joy that this was indeed her dorm.

"Fuck.....you too are roommates." Joy silently commented as she grabbed her bag and slipped out of the dorm not wanting to witness the fight between the two.

"Why would they put me with you of all people." Irene groaned as she rolled her eyes at Lisa and walked away.

Lisa rolled her eyes back and went back into her room to continue unpacking. As long as she avoided Irene everything would be fine. So Lisa continued to do her thing until she heard Irene calling her name.

"What does this bitch want." Lisa muttered under her breath, slowly rising to her feet to go out and see what Irene wanted. Lisa walked out and saw the other standing at the door with her purse.

"Bring your dormitory documents, we're going to switch our dorms." Irene spoke in an authoritative voice that slightly angered Lisa.

"But I just moved in." Lisa groaned crossing her arms over her chest, challenging Irene.

"Don't be a bitch Manoban, let's go." Irene huffed slipping on her shoes and leaving the small dorm. Lisa grumbled and decided it would be best to just follow Irene, so she grabbed her dormitory documents and put on some shoes quickly leaving the dorm to follow after Irene. 


"What do you mean we can't switch dorms!" Irene angrily yelled, scaring the office assistant. 

"I'm sorry but the school year has started so all dorm requests are now closed." The office assistant explained to the two girls who just kept persisting that they be moved.

"I can't live with her she's evil." Lisa whined. 

The office assistant just shook her head sadly and dismissed the two girls, telling them that there was nothing she could do for them. 

Both girls left the office upset. Not only would they have to live with each other but they would have to live with each other for the entire school year.

They both made it back to their dorm and before Lisa could even relax Irene made it clear how their life together was going to go.


"Okay this is how it's going work. You will stay in your room away from me whenever we are in here together, you are not allowed to invite anyone here under any circumstances." Irene explained to Lisa.

"But what if I have a school project that I need to work on with someone?"

"The school has a library, use it."

Lisa rolled her eyes and walked away from the older and straight into her room slamming the door shut and locking it. 

This school year better go fast.

Roomie - LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now