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Requested by Mini_Peppermint
So sorry for taking so long!!!
First POV
It had been over a thousand years since peter left me. It also didn't help that I was immortal so my pian lasted forever. I was aslans creation, made from an oak tree and cherry blossoms.
"Tough as a tree, beautiful as a flower"he'd say whenever I felt low.
When peter and the other pevensies left, I was sixteen. Now, I'm now one thousand three hundred and (almost) sixteen years old.
I sat in the fields that had grown over Cair Paravel, plucking the grass at the extent of my depression. I sighed aloud and raised my head to the sky wishing for a miracle to happen. Soon, it started to rain. Thunder cracked and lightning jolted me to my feet. I ran back toward the how in a panic.
"Ms. l/n, what happened? Are you hurt?" A baby faun asked me.
"I'm quite alright, just got caught in the rain, it's just a little water that's all!"
"Okay good." The faun sighed in relief and walked away.
I scoffed at my state and tried to wipe off some of the water that collected on my leather outfit.
My hair dripped onto the floor as I looked at my soaking shoes and pants.
The water had just made it to about mid calf, marking a dark line on my pants to where it reached.
Soon clanking of metal came from the distant hallway and a voice shouted commands.
"We must aid. He could be dangerous."
I ran up to titan, a centaur who looked very concerned.
"What's the problem here titan?"
"We found a Telmarine in the woods by our boarders. Many narnians have already seen him. I want you to come with. You're our best warrior. Even if he was the best Telmarine fighter, you'd beat him one hundred percent."
"Well thank you titan. Of course I'll aid you." I laughed at his compliment and walked along side him as we walked to where the trespasser was.
I pushed through the crowd with my sword in hand.
"State your name and business. What are you doing on our boarders?" I growled.
"I want to be part of your team. My guardian told me about you guys."
"Your father told you stories?"
"No, my mentor. I grew up with him."
"What did he tell you?"
"Exactly what I see here. Creatures beyond our imaginations, pride beyond our own, a union so tight no one could pull them apart. I want this. I don't want the Telmarine life, I want this."
"Why? What use do you have for us anyway?"
"I could offer intel, wit from the mind of a Telmarine."
"He makes a fair point." Titan said as he stepped beside me and lowered my weapon.
"You're right titan. We shall take him back."

We walked back quietly, me keeping an eye on him.
"So what is your name?" The Telmarine asked.
"Like the spirit from the old narnian days?"
"What do you mean?" I ask puzzled.
"Well when the kings and queens of old were here, way long ago, they had a spirit confidante named y/n."
I hung my head glumly and nearly cried.
"I am her." My voice broke.
His eyes went wide.
"But that means you'd be thousands of years old! You don't look a day over 16."
"Im one thousand three hundred and fifteen to be exact... almost sixteen. And yes, I'm immortal. I only age one year every eighty two years."
"Wow, so you're gonna live to be millennia's."
"Wow. So you know the kings and queens of old? What do they look like?"
"Well, they are just about as awe striking as you think."
It was quiet for a minute.
"I'm Caspian by the way."
"Caspian, got it."

We arrived back to the how and made Caspian swear to secrecy. He did and everything was settled after that.
A day later Caspian was no where to be found. I ran throughout the how and couldn't find him.
"If that little rat is a traitor I'll cut his head off myself!" I shouted.
I ran out and through the woods till I heard commotion and a man scream.
"Caspian!" I shouted.
I unsheathed my sword and ran to the commotion.
A couple narnians ran behind me till I saw caspian fighting with someone else.
I ran in as defense without a second thought and swung the sword up to the attackers throat.
Before I decapitated them, a familiar voice shouted to stop.
I looked over and I saw Lucy.
I dropped my sword as I saw her face.
"Lucy." I started to tear up as I scooped her up and hugged her.
She giggled as I squeezed tighter.
"Okay can't breathe! Let me down!" She laughed.
I let her go and saw that everyone else was here too.
"Susan, Edmund!" I attacked them with a hug and they squeezed me back with a smile.
I turned and realized I almost decapitated peter.
"Oh my god peter I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking! I didn't even check to see and I almost killed you. I haven't seen you in so long and that's how I greet you?"
Peter just stood there with his sword in hand. He stared at me in awe.
"You're still alive?" He asked after a while with just a hint of sadness in his voice.
"I'm immortal. I can't die even if I wanted to."
Peter dropped the sword and ran to me. He scooped me up and spun me around.
I put my feet back on the ground and looked up to him.
"I missed you peter."
Without another word peter leaned in and kissed me passionately.
"I thought I'd never see you again."
"Well... surprise!"
Peter laughed and turned to caspian.
"Wait wait wait, prince... caspian?"
"Your the kings and queens of old?"
"Well yes, were you expecting someone different?"
"N-no I just thought you'd be older."
"Well if you like, we can come back in a few years." Peter sassed which caused me to slap him in the arm with the back of my hand.
"Stop it." I scolded through my teeth. "Come on, we all need to get back to the base and recollect our thoughts."

As we walked back, Peter slipped his hand into mine.
"Look at you, you're a warrior now. When did my little delicate flower become such an oak tree?" He winked as he knew my origin.
I just rolled my eyes and he kissed my temple with a laugh.
"So how old are you now exactly?" He asked, thinking that he doesn't really want to know.
"One thousand, three hundred and (almost) sixteen."
"Wow, I'm dating an old woman."
I smacked him over the head and he let out a hearty laugh.
"Hey! I don't look a day over sixteen."
"You're right. I love you baby." He said as he stopped me and turned me to him.
He leaned down and kissed me.
Oh god how I missed his touch. The way he gently places his hands and moves them like I'm going to break sometimes. The way he executes his kisses with passion and lust.
He pulled away and smirked at me.
"I've missed you peter pevensie."
"I've missed you too, flower."

King of Hearts: Peter Pevensie x readers Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora