Take me away

579 8 3

Modern AU
"Princess?" I heard accompanied by a few small knocks on the open door. I rolled over in bed and looked to the man in slacks look down at me.
"Yeah?" I asked by nose blocking my airways.
"Hey are you okay?" His face was now riddled with concern as he heard and saw my state of being.
"I don't think I feel very good." I grumbled curling up into a ball under the sheets.
"Uh oh." He walked over with one hand in his front pocket and the other reached for my forehead. "I hope you're not getting sick."
He held his hand on my forehead and then kissed the spot after his hand left.
"I'll go get the thermometer." He walked away and I watched as his dirty blonde head walked around the corner and to the kitchen. I threw my legs over the bed and got up. My nerves jolted as my bare feet hit the cold floor. I pattered my way to the kitchen.
"Hey you're supposed to be in bed missy." He pointed at me with the thermometer. I opened my mouth and he placed it in. I waited and waited but it seemed to take forever. I placed the left side of my face on his chest as it calculated and waited for the beep. There was a beep and then a rapid series of beeps letting me know I had a fever.
"Noooo." I protested pulling away from the embrace.
"The thermometer doesn't lie!"
"Yes it does! It lies!" I squinted at him.
"It can't lie honey." I sighed and sat on the counter. "I mean you seem fine for all that you're going through. Stuffy nose, fever. Cough? Headache?"
"Dull headache. No cough."
"Okay." He nodded placing his left hand on his hip. "Well. I can call off work and-"
"No. No" I shook my head "I'm well enough I can take care of myself." He huffed and closed his eyes
"I would feel much better staying home to take care of you."
"I know you would." I pulled him closer to me by wrapping my arms around his neck "but it would make me feel better if you went to work and had a stress free day for once."
"You know it's not stress free when you're hurt."
"I know." I played with the hair at the nape of his neck and he leaned in for a kiss. "Ah! No! You can't get sick! From here on out till I'm better, no kisses!"
"Ugh! I hate when you're sick!" He groaned and released himself from my hold.
"Go to work." I rubbed his sides and smiled
"I'm at least going to set you up with stuff before I leave."
"Okay." I agreed.
He ran around the house, filling a bucket with drinks and putting them by my bedside. I saw a tray of small snacks and one of his shirts laid out.
"A shirt for when you miss me and want cuddles, a tub of drinks in case you don't want something specific, and a tray of snacks in case you get hungry. The drinks and snacks are specially picked for sickness."
"Thank you baby." I blew him a kiss and walked him to the door.
"Are you sure I shouldn't call off?" He asked as he turned back to me before he opened the door.
"Yes I am sure."
"Okay. Just rest, and drink some water" I opened the door behind him and pushed him out "and call me if you need anything!"
"I love you!" I tried to send him off.
"I love you too!" I closed the door and laughed.
I walked back to the room and got in bed. I turned on the tv and started to watch anything that seemed half as interesting.
I soon started to realize how tired I got when I got sick. I rested my head on my pillow and closed my eyes listening to the soft chatter of the people on tv.

I opened my eyes again and I looked over at the clock. It had been three hours since I closed my eyes.
I reached for my phone and checked to see if anything had happened since I fell asleep. When I tried to look at my phone my head started to pound.
I cursed under my breath as I rubbed my forehead. I looked over and saw the pain killers on the bedside table. I reached over and uncapped the bottle. I popped in some hoping it would kill the headache.
"Lord have mercy." I whispered as I flopped back down
My eyes fluttered to close again and I felt my body get lighter as I fell asleep with my mouth open.

"We'll look at my pretty girl. Can't stay awake." I heard a voice echo as I started to regain consciousness. I opened my eyes and saw Peter smiling down at me. "Hello there."
"Hi." I smiled feeling relived that he was home.
"Sleep all day?" He asked with a smirk
"Pretty much." I rubbed my eyes and breathed in heavily through my mouth since my nose was stuffed
"Mmmm." He kissed my forehead to check my temperature "your temperature feels better."
"I'm glad you're home." I mumbled
"Me too. I was worried about you all day. Filling out paperwork, 'how's y/n doing', stamping letters 'I wonder if she's okay' meeting after boring meeting 'all I want to do is be home and take care of y/n'."
"Aww. I'm glad you care that much."
"Of course i do. And now that I am here..." he started as he scooped me out of bed. "I'm going to do exactly what I want."
He rushed to the bathroom and started the tub. He placed me in and kissed the top of my head.
"Be right back! Relax!" He scurried out and I heard the microwave start. A minute later he rushed back in and placed a tray of food on the lip of the tub.
"There you go. Nice and hot." He sat down on the floor next to the tub and watched me. He opened his phone and played some soft music.
"This is the life." I sighed as I leaned back.
"It sure is. For the next week, I am your servant. Whatever you need I'll get."
"I'd like... two and three quarters of a tub of ice cream, five pounds of turkey and chicken, a silver plated dining set, two ostriches that know how to tango and a Great Pyrenees dyed blue."
"Really?"I nodded and he started to stand.
"I'm kidding! Damn!" I pulled him back down to the floor. I laughed and patted his hand.
"Okay." He complied softly and smiled.
"You're too cute."

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