Texting in the Royal Family GC

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Modern AU
This was requested!
This may become a series?? Not sure yet but we mig be have more in the works!
The Royal Family GC
Peter: We all still going tonight?
Susan: yeah.
Lucy: Absolutely!
Edmund: I guess
Caspian: yep!

You: Yes sir

Peter: Okay, I'll meet you guys there. Let me know if anyone needs a ride.

You: I'll need a ride if anyone can give me one

Peter: I can.
Caspian: you would just LOVE to give her a ride wouldn't you
Susan: Caspian! That's weird! Cut it out!
Edmund: ayo?!
Lucy: yikes. that's awkward
Edmund: That's mad sus dude. Why you gotta say it like that?
Peter: Thanks guys, you've probably scared her away now. Y/n?
Peter: Y/n?
Peter: you still wanna ride with me?
Caspian: damn... Peter just lost his shawty
Susan: Caspian. I seriously would love to hit you right now...
Lucy: I... I think I'm gonna leave this GC... I'm feeling every ounce of secondhand embarrassment here.
Edmund: You're gonna miss out Lu. You'll miss all the drama.
Lucy: I think I'm good.

You: Sorry guys! My Postmates was here! Yes Peter I'd still enjoy a ride

Caspian: Yo! What you got?! Anything good?!
Peter: Okay, I'll pick you up at 6.
Edmund: Can I have some?
Susan: Boys! Get your own food! Unless it's Chinese, then y/n we are sharing.
Peter: I'm bringing the white car, want me to come to the door?
Caspian: ooooo Chinese sounds so good
Edmund: Im much more of a Korean person.
Peter: y/n?
Caspian: why does that make so much sense for you Edmund?
Susan: it really does.

You: Got it! 6! And just text me when you get here. My dog is sleeping and I don't want to wake her.

Peter: Alright.
Edmund: Is that supposed to be an insult or a compliment?
Caspian: umm... both?
Susan: definitely an insult.
Lucy: it's an insult
Edmund: damn you guys...
Caspian: Lucy's back!
Lucy: no I'm not. Peace.
Peter: Can you guys stop talking about food while I'm trying to make arrangements?!
Edmund: Can you stop trying to make arrangements when we are talking about food?
Peter: Edmund I swear I'm gonna pummel you.
Edmund: Do it. No balls.
Susan: I hate this family.
Caspian: id like to see this. pass the popcorn.

You: I'm just going to go get ready and leave you guys to... whatever this is...

Caspian:yeah that's probably best.
Susan: Y/n, please save me.

You: Sorry Susan, you're on your own. Love you

Peter: Edmund, I'm going to grab you by the scalp, drag your face across the kitchen floor, step on your dominate arm, throw you outside into an Edmund sized mud pile I've created, cover you in said mud and then body slam you and dig my elbow into your leg until you're crying for mercy.
Caspian: wow... that's scarily detailed
Edmund: I love how that took you five minutes to type.
Peter: you better be saying your prayers to the lord above before I send you to him
Edmund: yes I'm cowering in fear. Shivers? Done my spine. Knees? Weak. Tears? Rolling.
Peter: Okay. See where that sarcasm gets you.
Susan: Oh my god you guys just go get ready. You can beat each other up tomorrow!
Peter: Oh I will
Edmund: Oh I will.
Caspian: You guys need a referee?

King of Hearts: Peter Pevensie x readers Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat