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Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva
"I can't believe I was so young when I first got here." Lucy looked around at all the people who were busy at work.
"It is weird to think about." Susan nodded.
"So how did you guys find Narnia?" I asked as I took a seat next to them on the floor.
"A wardrobe. We are staying at a mansion during our war. Lucy's the one who found it really."
"A wardrobe? Huh."
"So what about you? What's your story?" Susan leaned back
"Well I was born here. I'm a Telmarine. And that annoying long haired dude you met earlier? That's my weird twin brother."
"Caspian is your twin?"
"Yeah I know right?" I laughed and my eyes traveled to the boys who were talking amongst themselves. Peter, I think was his name, was very attractive. He had a nice smile and a kind face.
"Who you looking at?" Lucy teased.
"No one." I shook my head and looked back to the girls.
"If you're looking at Peter you should go talk to him." Susan nudged her.
"What? No! Why? Do you know anything?"
"Just go talk to him."
I sighed, feeling a sense of confidence. I stood up and made my way over, fighting my brain to move my feet.

"And she used to dance around thinking about it." Caspian laughed to the boys "She wrote stories too. About all the princes that would save her and love her."
Edmund cracked a laugh and Peter glanced over.
"Hey Peter."
"Hey y/n. You alright?"
"Yeah I just thought I'd come see how you are doing." I chuckled and folded my hands in front of myself
"I'm fine. Just hearing stories about you from your guys childhood."
"Ugh. That's so awkward."
"It's not. I promise. It's kinda cute actually." Peters smile faded when he saw my face " You look a little uncomfortable."
"Oh... yeah." I scoffed "it's just I'm getting a little hot in here."
"We can go outside. Come on. I'll take you."
I followed him out of the How and to the small river that was next to the How's land.
It had been quiet, I was dipping my fingers in the stream when I noticed Peter shuffling.
"I heard about the duel." I started, not looking at Peter "Edmund told me." I stood up from my kneeling position and looked at Peter.
"Yeah." Peter scoffed
"Are you scared?"
"Of course I am." He was always so honest, it puzzled y/n. Peter felt like looking at his shuffling feet
"I don't blame you. My uncle scares me a lot."
"Is he violent to you?" Peters brows furrowed at the ground.
"Mmhm. Me and my brother."
"Caspian?" He clarified looking up at me from the floor.
"As long as we are being honest... sometimes I get scared he's going to kill me and my brother."
"He's not going to touch you." His head shook "not while I'm here."
"Do you really mean that?" I asked turning to him and taking a few steps closer to him.
"I do. I promise." Peter reached for my hand gently and took my hand in his. He stepped closer to me.
"Well that makes me feel a lot better."
"I'm glad. Because..." Peter stopped for a second and swallowed harshly "I like you."
"I like you too." I smiled and gazed into his eyes
Peter smiled up at me and brushed my cheek with his finger.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly.
I nodded in response and he softly planted a kiss on my lips.
"You smell good." I giggled.
"Well thank you." He laughed. Peter leaned his forehead onto mine and I took a deep breath in
"I hate to ruin the moment but I think we should get back."
"Okay." Peter removed his forehead and leaded me back.

"So when this all goes down. Peter and Edmund, you'll run here. Susan Lucy and y/n, you'll run here." Caspian pointed to the large map on the table.
"Why can't i stick close to Peter? I'm a telmarine and no threat to my uncle."
"It's too risky. He knows you're on our side. If he can cut off any attachment from us to him he will."
"Fine." I gave up with arguing with my brother.
"Susan Lucy and y/n, you're task is to find aslan."
"Aslans a myth." I scoffed
"No he's not. I've seen him." Lucy defended.
"We've all seen him." Edmund added
"So you're expecting me... to leave all protection, to find a being whom I've never seen before, in order to maybe convince him to come back to help us."
"Yes. Basically." Caspian bluntly responded.
"Great. Fantastic." I sassed.
"It's gonna work. I know you doubt me sometimes." Caspian sighed
"No no. I doubt you ALL the time."
Caspian just rolled his eyes and swiped his hair back.
"Well... as long as we are done bickering, let's get going."

King of Hearts: Peter Pevensie x readers Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora