Dont you want to go home?

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Y/n woke up happy that bright day in Narnia.
Every day in Narnia was a beautiful day.
Every day in Narnia made y/n happy.
She spread out widely and stretched.
She yawned as her body started to pump with blood again.
Y/n got out of bed and walked to her dresser. She pulled out a beautiful -yet convenient- dress and dresses herself that morning.
She placed her shoes on her feet and walked out of her room.
She jogged down the stairs with a gait of happiness and joy.
She walked through the castle, greeting all the servants and soldiers with a smile and a wave.
It's safe to say that she loves it here.

Y/n bounded into the dining room where the royal four sat for breakfast.
"Morning guys!" She cheered as she plopped herself down next to her high king.
"Well good morning. Someone's cheery today." Edmund laughed
"Like she is every day." Susan remarked.
"Well that's alright! Who doesn't want a cheery girl in the morning?" Peter smiled.
Y/n giggled and grabbed her own plate of food.
Y/n listened as the four shared news about Narnia.

Your POV
Most of it was boring news like trade and other such things.
Some of it was interesting, like the different events they were asked to hold.
Like circuses and water shows.
Most of them were denied however because the high king did not like the entertainment very much.
King peter seemed to be lost in a daze all morning.
He looked stressed
No not stressed, glum.
Like he was trapped in a sad train of thoughts.
I made it my duty to find out what was wrong.
After I was done shoveling food into my mouth, I got up to go to my room.
I had an idea to make him something to help him feel better.
Yes I know I'm 15 but that doesn't stop me from doing arts and crafts projects.
I decided to make an origami figure set.
I'd make him a lion, a flower and a castle.
I sat down on my desk chair and pulled it up to the desk. I pulled out an origami book and started to mess with the shapes.
I finished the flower and the lion but the castle was troubling me.
I gave up on the castle and decided that he would enjoy the lion and flower just as much.
I bounded down the stairs and into king peters room.
I knew he was in a meeting but I knocked on the door before entering.
I placed the two paper shapes on his desk and wrote a little note for him

I noticed you were upset this morning so I made you some origami shapes! I hope they make you a little happier!!
~ love,

I sighed in content and smiled at my work.
I walked out with a hum and passed a tired looking peter on the way out.
"Hi peter!" I smiled at him.
He weakly smiled back and continued to walk.
I frowned at his sadness and decided to leave my help at that.
I walked back to my room and grabbed my satchel before I left to go venture in the Woods.

I sat down breathing heavily as I let my brown catch up with what just happened.
I smiled as I felt the cool but sweet smelling Narnian breeze against my body.
I breathed in deep and felt the weight lifted off my shoulders.
It almost felt like the air here was medicine and I was cured of all my anxiety.
I heard a cracking from behind me so I whipped my head around to see king peter standing behind me.
He rested his arm on his sheathed sword handle and he gallantly walked over to me.
"Hey." I chirped
"Hey princess."
"You know I'm not a princess!" I laughed.
"Well, you are too me."
"Oh ha ha."
He smiled and looked down.
"No but I'm serious. You're really special to me."
I smiled at him in appreciation and he put his hand over mine.
"You're just always so happy. All the time. I just wish I could be like you."
"Well look at this place! It's beautiful! It's always breezy and calm. The sun is always shinning. There's mermaids and pixies. People who are made out of leaves on the trees! It's heaven here. How could you not be happy?"
"But don't you ever miss home?"
I scoffed at his question.
"Are you seriously asking me if I miss home?"
"Well it's where you grew up!"
"No." I said sternly "It's where I suffered. I didn't have the family love you did. I didn't have the money, or the friends, or the respect that I have here. You cannot -EVER- tell me, that that place is better then here."
"But dont you want to know what's happening there?"
"Peter, I don't care about that place anymore. This is my home. I stay here! Forever."
Peter looked shocked at my commitment but I didn't care. I was staying here
Wether he stayed or not.
"Peter I will always want to be with you but not if it's back there."
Peter sighed and folded his hands on his lap. His elbows dug into his thighs as his hands were clasped together.
"What are you gonna do peter?"
"Well we cant just disappear from our world!" Peter shouted, obviously frustrated.
"Maybe you cant but I can!" I snapped back "I have nothing to go back for! Nothing is waiting for me at home! Nothing peter!!"
Peter went silent and I could see in his face that his heart was broken.
"I-I'm Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped." I spoke in a hushed voice.
"It's fine. I know. I won't be able to understand. I really won't. It's just so sad to me that you could just never go home."
I shrugged and my face dropped.
Peter made one swift movement and wrapped his arms around my solemn figure.
""You will always have us y/n."
I hugged him back as tears welled up in my eyes.
"Thank you."

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