Chapter 19//Bromance

Start from the beginning

"I've been sitting on the couch in the kitchen all day watching TV how did you not see me?" Calum went back to the couch.

"Really? I didn't see you." Michael sat beside Calum. Calum shrugged "Wanna play FIFA?" Michael looked excited.
"I'm going to win my friend."

* six hours later*

"I won lick my ass loser! You suck! Woo Woo! (War screech!!!)" Michael jumped on top of Calum. Magi-cal-y Luke was on top of Michael.
"Band cuddle!" Luke shouted.
"Family cuddle!" Lucy was hugging Luke. Then Ashton magi-cal-y came from the garden and cuddled. Soon Bailey was licking Calum's face.
"Hahaha no stop it! It tickles!" Calum shouted Bailey was licking his face.

"Well at least Bailey licked most of the cream of the walls." Michael shrugged "Luke your squishing my pelvish." Michael said hardly able to breathe.
"Sorry." Luke stood up off Michael.
"Shouldn't you be in bed Boo?" Luke picked Lucy up and looked at her.

"Yeah but I'm hungry." Lucy sniffled.

"Aww Lucy is hungry, so am I let's order pizza." Michael suggested.

"Okay what do you want on your pizza Lucy?" Luke asked Lucy while Michael ordered the pizza.

"Pepperoni with extra cheese please!" Lucy smiled the most cheesiest smile.

"That's my girl!" Michael smiled at the choice Lucy made.

"Hey Lucy what's a cheese that isn't yours?"
"Nacho cheese." Luke said with the biggest grin on his face.

"That was like the funniest joke ever." Calum said, walking past Lucy and Luke casually with an ice cream.

"Where did you get that?!" Michael exclaimed trying to grab it off Calum.

"I got it of the nice lady outside." Calum pointed outside into the back garden. Michael ran outside

"Hey, there's no lady out h-"

Calum slid the door behind him and locked it with the biggest grin on his face and licked the ice cream in front of Michael from behind the glass.

" Heyyyyy!" That's not fair Michael crossed his arms and pouted.

Everyone else were in fits of laughter.

"Michael your so gullible." Ashton giggled ROFLing on the floor.

"You're an idiot Michael." Laughed Luke shaking his head slowly at the pouting Michael outside.

"You'll help me Lucy won't you?" Michael said hopefully staring hopefully at Lucy.

"Not today dad." She smirked then burst our laughing.

Michael pouted outside the big glass doors in the back garden the back garden was pretty big we bought a lot of land for no reason, we thought we would've done something with it.

"Hey guys we should get chickens!" Shouted Michael from outside.

"What so we can eat them?" Calum replied "Some nice tasty chicken there."

"No I mean pet chickens, we can get five and I'll call mine Will." Michael was pressed up to the doors.

"What if I want to call mine Will?!" Ashton answered in a hurt high pitched voice.

"Excuse me Ashton I think I'll have the honour of naming my feathery friend Will." Calum said putting his hand on Ashton's shoulder.

"I wanna call mine Will!" Pouted Luke.

"I'm going to call mine Ketchup!" Lucy shouted.

"I'm gonna call mine ketchup." Calum, Ashton and Luke said at the same time, staring at Lucy.

"Ha! I'm calling mine Will." Michael shouted from outside.

"Hey!" We all said.

*doorbell sound*

"It's the doorbell!" Calum exclaimed.
We all ran to the door to open it.

"Hello." Calum stared at the stranger at the door.

"Oh hi we're your new neighbours we moved in yesterday." The strange man said. He was probably six foot nearly as tall as Luke. Sixteen or seventeen years old, eyebrow and lip piercing, ripped black jeggings and a Green day band shirt, dark features and really bright red hair. " My dad told me to come over and say hi."

"Oh hey I'm Calum, this is Ashton, Luke,our daughter Lucy and we locked Michael outside." Calum smiled a friendly smile.

"Oh so you guys are like gay?" He asked.
They all burst out laughing.

"No, we actually have a band called 5 seconds of summer and it's pretty punk rock." Luke replied.

"Oh awesome soo what's with the girl Lucy." The stranger asked pointing at Lucy.

"Oh yeah that's Lucy we adopted hear a year ago because why not." Ashton smiled tickling Lucy.

"The only thing we ever eat is pizza." Lucy smiled.

"No that's not true boo we had spaghetti bolognese a couple of nights ago." Luke hugged Lucy.

"Aww that's cute, oh yeah my names Daniel and my moms name is Liz and I have a little brother called Josh he's eight and I also have a dad named Brian." He smiled the cutest smile.

"Ooh a younger brother named Josh and he's eight." Calum nudged me.

"Maybe a boyfriend for Lucy." Luke nudged me even harder.

"Ahaha you guys are cute, sorry my family couldn't come over their still in Ireland so they abandoned me here." He laughed.

"Aww poor guy no family no wifi." Ash gave him a sympathy hug.

"I know we haven't got wifi yet so sad!" He pretended to cry.

"Hey wanna come in use and wifi and play Fifa?" Luke suggested.

"Yeah that would be awesome if its okay with you guys?" He smiled.

"Yeah! No problem buddy Ashton led him into the house."

"Guys that wasn't funny! But I found an extra key in the pond." Michael huffed drying his hands with a towel.
He looked up when he saw Daniel. "Hey." He said not keeping his eye off him.

"Hey." Daniel smiled.
"I love your hair!" Exclaimed Michael.
"Thanks I love your hair too I'm Daniel I moved in next door." Daniel introduced himself.
"I'm Michael wanna play FIFA?" Michael smiled.
"Of course when do I not want to play FIFA." Daniel smirked.
And they ran into the sitting room Michael punching the air.
The boys were smirking behind them.
"It's a bromance!" Calum laughed and we all laughed.

Authors note: Woo hope you guys enjoyed this chapter sorry I haven't updated in ages! I'm nearly finished the next chapter!! It might go up next week :) THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE FOR LIKING,COMMENTING AND FOLLOWING <3

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