"There's a party at Jackson's house on Friday," Lydia continued. "Allison here says she has some family thing to do... which I'm sure I'll eventually find a way to talk her out of... but you," Lydia looked at Haven. "Want to come? I mean, the three of us will be spending lots of after school evenings and nights here, might as well make friends, right?"

"Uh..." Haven let out, her eyes still wide as she looked at Lydia. 

"You can bring buzzcut boy and uneven jawline," Lydia suggested.

"I'll ask them," Haven nodded, a smile creeping up on her face. 

Lydia smiled back at her, and Haven realized it looked genuine, like Lydia was excited about it, too. It wasn't a fake popular girl smile.


"She called me buzz cut boy?" Stiles exclaimed as Haven told him the details of her time watching his lacrosse practice, the boy practically swerving into a whole new lane.

"Easily, don't need to wreck Roscoe," Haven playfully scolded him, rubbing the car's dashboard.

Stiles let out a half laugh half scoff at what she said, shaking his head as he processed.

"So... that means Lydia Martin knows who I am? A-and that I drive a Jeep?" he asked.

Haven broke down laughing.

"W-what? What'd I do?" Stiles asked.

"You look like a lost puppy who just found their owner," she said between laughs. "Ahh, it's adorable."

"Y-you think I'm adorable?" he asked.

Haven's face scrunched up and then she rose an eyebrow at him.

"Slow your role, buzzcut boy. Lydia already knows who you are, no need to look for even more attention," she said, reaching into the back for her backpack as Stiles pulled up to her house.

"Thanks, Stiles," she said, unbuckling herself.

When she got out of the car with her backpack over one shoulder, she turned to close the door, but a flash went off causing her to wince.

"What was that about?" she groaned, closing the door and leaning through the window, watching as Stiles typed something on his phone.

"Proof to your mom I got you home safely," he mumbled as he stared at the screen. "There. And. Sent."

Haven chuckled at his antics.

"What? She said to check in whenever I drop you off," he shrugged. 

"Could've taken that photo without the flash, doofus," she said, patting the car door before she turned around. She held up a hand and yelled a, "Bye!" before she ran up her stairs, ready to take a long nap.


Haven laid stomach down on Stiles's bed doing homework, watching with a quirked eyebrow as he did extensive research on lycanthropy, printing out photos, flipping through books, and reading articles online.

As time went on, Stiles seemed to slowly convince himself that Scott was a werewolf.

A loud banging on his bedroom door caused them up to jump, and Stiles shut his laptop. When he opened the door, Scott stood there smiling.

Stiles let out a huff and said, "Get in. You gotta see this thing. I've been up all night reading websites—"

Scott walked inside, setting his backpack down, standing next the bed. Haven propped herself up on her elbows. Scott ruffled her hair, looking back to Stiles.

WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stilinski v. isaac laheyWhere stories live. Discover now