Front lines Zussman Pt.1

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This was it were closing in on the end of the war and I can finally go home to my Ma with Zussman. We finally took back Paris and it was beautiful, there was nothing better then seeing my boys smiling nothing. "Hey y/l/n are you coming or what?" Aiello yelled towards me as they started walking towards the bar. Zussman walked up behind me and kissed my head. "What you doing just standing there doll, lets go get a drink." I smiled up at him grabbed his hand and started running after the boys. 

"Alright ya looser stop drooling and go talk to her." I told Aiello as he was staring at some French girl serving drinks to some of the other boys in our platoon. "What the hell am I suppose to say, 'Hey your pretty cute wanna follow me in the war and we'll fall in love?'" He asked rolling his eyes. I looked at him as he kept staring at the brunette. "Yes you mook, because she defiantly wants to leave this beautiful city for a face like yours." I told him with sarcasm dripping through my voice. He rolled his eyes and just went back to looking at her. "Go ask her to dance or something man, or do you not have the balls for that?" Stiles said smirking. "Watch it collage." was all that came out of Aiello's mouth.

"Come on why don't you and I go dance." I said looking at Zussman as I took his hand and headed to what was now the make shift dance floor. We danced and laughed and had a grand old time and for a moment, just a little moment I completely forgot we were in a war. As a slow dance came on most of the boys cleared out and the only ones left on the dance floor was some other soldiers with some French girls, and Zussman and me. "Your beautiful you know that right." Zuss said smiling down at me, it's not that I'm short its just that he was so Goddam tall! I blushed and hid my face in his neck. He chuckled and we just kept dancing, these were the moment I wait for these are the good times the times where he would hold me and I could take in his smell of rain and gunpowder. Even though we were in the war he always made me feel calm. "Ich liebe dich*" I whisper in German to him.

Here's the thing like Zussman I'm German I was born in Germany to my mother and father but we left when one day my father came home frantically telling my Ma that something bad was going to happen and that we needed to leave, so we packed up and left for America and we moved in across the street from the Zussmans. Robert and I were the same age and we grew up together, our mothers and fathers were bestfriends which lead to us spending more time together. 

I know cliché right?

We grew up going to the same school doing some pretty dumb stuff and got in trouble more then you would think but hey all in good fun right? He would always make fun of me and say that I was jealous of all the attention he got. I always rolled my eyes and told him he was pathetic. But around senior year I went on a bad date and when I was talking a little German slipped out, World war I was starting and when I said something he called me a kraut in front of the house and slapped me across the face. That's when Robert came out and beat up the guy yelling that no one touches "his girl". 

From then on he asked me to be his girlfriend, and hear we are dancing in some bar in the middle of the war. Everything was perfect until Pierson came up to us and tapped me on the shoulder. "Come talk to me for a minuet." He told me. I looked up at Zussman and told him I be right back and to go talk to Stiles for a second. Pierson lead me outside of the bar away from everyone. 

"Sir? Is everything alright, I don't thi-" "Your being shipped to the front lines." He said cutting me off and looking at me sadly. Pierson always liked me he thought I was strong and capable and sometimes it was scary because I was the only women in the war and I was a sniper. "W-what" I asked him looking at him. "They need more snipers, they were wiped out and your one of the best snipers in our platoon so we need you to go to the front lines with some other men." He looked down at me. I shaked my head as he kept talking, my vision starting to get blurry. Not a lot of people made it home from the front lines, usually in a wooden box or just your tags. I wiped my eyes and looked at him. "Yes sir." I said and started to walk back in to the bar. "Hey doll, everything ok?" Zussman asked. I smiled at him and shook my head yes.

"So how'd it go with Frenchie?" I asked Aiello. "He bothered her so much the she wacked him upside the head while yelling in French and walked off." Stiles exclaimed laughing. "Shut your trap" Aiello snapped. I just started laughing really hard and just had fun with my boys.

Time skip...

I was silently packing up my stuff while the boys were outside talking to someone by the fire. It was around 4 am and they were going to be shipping out 0700*  I was putting my leather gun gloves that I got to keep in my pack and then sat down. I didn't know what to do so I just got out a piece of paper writing to Zussman just in case something happened and I never saw him again. It ended up being a little bit  longer then I expected, three and a half pages front to back. I sealed it in an envelope walked out of the tent a little. "Daniels!" I shouted over to the group of men, his blue eyes shot up and looked at me, and I wave him over and smiled at the rest of the guys. "What's up everything ok?" He asked with concerned eyes as he walked into the tent with me.

He looked over to my cot and then at me. "Y/l/n what's going on is everything alright?" I just looked at him with a stoic expression, "I'm getting shipped out to the front lines at 0600, their running thin on snipers and they want me to go out there." I told him not looking at him. "Are you serious?" He asked in a whisper. I shook my head yes and looked at the letter on the little desk. "Look I need you to do something for me and you have to promise me, alright." I told him. "Y-yeah sure" He told me stuttering a little.

I picked up the letter and put it in his hands, "If anything happens to me I want you to give this to Zussman alright?" I said in all seriousness, "your going to make it back everything's gonna be ok y/l/n" He said cutting me off. "You don't know that!" I whispered yelled my eyes brows furrowing.  "Just please." I looked at him with a sad face. "Alright" He said giving me a little nod. "Have you told Zussman?" "No" I responded quickly. "I will before I ship out just whatever happens if you get word I get killed or some bullshit just give it to him and know that I went down not dying scared but dying in the best way possible alright, and if something does happen to me make sure Zussman don't pull any dumb shit moves and give your baby a kiss for me,  tell Hazel that I said she is beautiful even though I never met her and that you are my best friend and nothing can change that." I said, with some tears starting to fall down my face.  

He shook his head yes starting to tear up a little. "Don't cry over me, I'm still here aren't I" I smiled at him. "Come on lets go" I said walking out of the tent with him right behind me. That night was full of laughs some smokes and just the greatest night I could have asked for. We were all in the tent and I hid my pack under my cot so the boys wouldn't see it just yet. I walked out of the tent to go talk to Pierson about something and when I came back, I saw my pack on my cot and all the boys besides Daniels looking at me like I just stole something and they wanted me to give it back. "What the fuck is that about y/l/n" Aiello said pointing to my pack. "Look I can expl-"I started but then, "Yeah explain what exactly that your leaving us for something else, something better" Aiello continued. "Your getting discharged aren't you" Stiles asked with a meek voice.  Zussman didn't even look at me. "I'm not leaving y-" But I was cut off again. "Then what the fuck is that y/l/n?!" Zussman angrily said finally looking at me. "If you would let me explain." I said looking at them all.  "No you don't get to" Aiello stated. "I'm being shipped out to the front lines." I told them looking Zussman dead in the eyes. Aiello recoiled while Zussman just stared at me and stiles stood up. "Y-you what?" Stiles whispered. "I got orders from Pierson tonight that to many snipers were getting killed out in the front so I'm being shipped off at 0600." I said not looking at them. Zussman just stood there shocked while Stiles was the first one to hug me. I hugged back, while the rest of the boys started to surround us in a hug. 

"I'll be alright, I'll be waiting for you when you all get there,  we can all go back to the states Zuss and I can show you idiots around Chicago, I promise. I'm tough, a bullets not gonna stop me I mean I'm the queen of Sniping so those Krauts ain't got nothing on me. " I laughed while they all got off. "I promise I'll come back just fine and dandy nothings gonna stop me from coming back to my boys. Nothing." I told them. Stiles walked back to his bag of photos and gave a picture to me of all of us and one with Zussman and I, I took them and put them on the inside of my helmet.

"I'll always come back to my boys."

Ich liebe dich- I love you

0700-7:00 Am

0600-6:00 Am

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