Front Lines Zussman Pt. 2

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"Move! Move! Move!" My new Friend Wonderer yelled to us as we pushed forward. Of course no one really knew his real name that's just what he was called. We all had nicknames up here Wonderer goes by Wonderer because after we clear cities and smaller towns he would go Wondering around looking for something new or interesting. It always makes me slightly chuckle when our new Lieutenant, Lieutenant Brick always yells at him that one day the Krauts will get him for his recklessness. My nickname, well that's a tough one....

The boys named me Storm because they said when ever I was up snipping I would rain "Hell Fire" down on the krauts. So that leads back to right now, we hit Germany around a week ago and we were getting close to my home town Glasgow. No one on the front lines with me knew I was German besides Wonderer it took him about a week to get used to it but once he did he wouldn't shut up about it, always asking me to translate things like what signs said as we walked passed them or what that one store was called back in the town we were just in. Which I would always respond to as, "Wunderbar, dass du jemals die klappe haltst!" He never figured out what I said anyways. And I don't know if I'll ever get to tell him in person or even through a letter. 

"Storm push through and get to the top of that chapel, take out those Krauts and rally with us at the tree line!" Brick yelled. "I'm on it cover me!" I yelled back as I started to run towards the church, as soon as I opened the door I slammed it shut and locked it behind me with anything I could find so that no Krauts could follow me in. The church was beautiful, what was left of it at least. As I started to sprint towards the bell tower I looked up at the half caved in roof the sky was a beautiful blue even with the smoke I always found comfort in the sky, it always made me happy on the days I needed it and let me tell you I need it. Once I got to the ladder to enter into the top of the bell tower I slung my Sniper rifle on my back and started to climb thanking God that I got to keep my leather rifle gloves on, I kept climbing until I made it to the top of the bell tower and positioned myself at the hole in the wall. 

"One" I mumbled to myself as I watched the first German drop. "Two" I continued to count as took out another. "Three". They where dropping like flies one after another after another down, the life from their eye's gone. I continued to take them out just as I watched my team push forward making it across the field until they hit the tree line. I took a second and scoped out the area to make sure there wasn't any of those disgusting krauts coming back in for reinforcements, and as soon as I saw it was clear I picked up my sniper rifle from the ledge and stood up turning around to make my way down the ladder and out the door. 

Just as I turned around to climb down I was face to face with a Kraut. "FUR HITLER!" He screamed as he charged at me knife in hand. I took out my pistole from my thigh hostler and went to shoot, as soon as I pulled the trigger he hit the ground. 

"Fuck... Fuck... Fuck" I started to whisper to myself. As I climbed down the ladder as fast as I could running down the stairs to make it to the first level. Just as I was about to open the back door two Krauts jumped through the window. "Hast du das gehort?! Klingt wie ein Amerikaner!" I held my breath and ducked under one of the pews army crawling towards the back of the Chapel. "Oh American... Come out, Come out where ever you are we aren't going to hurt you!" One taunted. " ScheiB drauf." I mumbled. I climbed out from under the pews and ran towards the back door. "There you are!" The other German yelled. I ran out the door and hid to the side and took out my pistol.  The first Kraut ran out of the church and I shot him in the head, I knew the other one was not far behind so I didn't waste my time and started running towards the tree line. "Komm zuruck, Kleines Madchen!" He yelled as I was running. 

I heard the shot before I felt it, I don't know why I thought I could make it to the tree line before he caught up but I wasn't gonna go down like this. My leg started to throb but I was addiment on pushing through the pain and making it back to my team. I caught Wonderers eyes just as I was tackled to the ground, they where full of fear the same fear that the eyes of privates Zussman, Aiello, Daniels and Stiles held as I told them I was being shipped to the front. My boys, I haven't talked to them in a while, we sent letters back and forth as much as we could until I told them I was moving up to Glasgow and would write as soon as we took it. What a load of shit that was. 

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