Ice Caps and Panic Attacks Jason Todd

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"Again" Dick yelled at her as he moved around the room, Jason and Rachel sat on the bench drenched in sweat from finishing their session with the Grayson boy. Y/N growled and started to shoot at him, trying to corner him in with what looked like mini–Ice caps.  "Come on!" She yelled trying to get him to stop moving. That's when the little slip happened, she finally hit him. She wasn't supposed to hit him just sort of slow him down.  As Grayson said, "She could actually freeze someone who was an enemy." She never meant for the "little slip" to happen, she froze his hand to the wall, and he looked like he was kind of in pain. "What the fuck!" Jason yelled as the three ran over to Dick. 

"Why the fuck did you do that!" Rachel yelled at Y/N. "I... I didn't mean to shit I'm so sorry Grayson are you ok?" Y/N said trying to grab his hand to make the ice go back into her. "Don't touch him! You'll just screw something else up." Rachel yelled again. Y/N retracted her hand and started to walk backwards trying to hide the fact that she was upset because she just hurt her friend.  Truth be told this was so she wouldn't have these happened, another thing about this was to make sure that she wasn't scared of herself and what she could do. "It's ok Y/N you didn't do it on purpose." Grayson stated turning around so that she could see his smile.

Rachel was muttering to herself about how reckless Y/N was and how she was going to kill someone someday. "Jason, I didn't mean to do it. I swear I'm sorry." Y/N started to choke up, because of that little comment that came out of Rachel. Because honestly when Y/N was young she didn't have any control and the ice would just come out when she was excited and angry and turn to snow when she was sad. And one day Y/N and her mom got into a fight and her dad came in and started to try to explain something, but Y/N was to upset that when she threw her hands up in anger ice shot out of her hands and into the heart of her parents freezing them from the inside out. That night while she was sitting in the corner of her now frozen room with eye's glowing ice blue and it snowing in the room and little ice cicles  coming out of her fingertips, there came bat man. He was warm and comforting and took her in. 

Now he didn't know how to help her so he sent her to Dick Grayson in hopes that he could help fix her little out of control problem. Problem. That's what everyone called it. A problem, whereas Rachel "talent" was a gift. She's even heard Jason talk about how he didn't want to be around her in moments in fear he might die. Death. That's what people associated her with. Why, why did she have to be given this, she didn't ask for this. She didn't ask to have these "magical" powers. 

"Hey... Hey..... HEY, Y/N." She came back to him looking at him with glowing white eyes and a blue glow coming out of her wrists. Her breath becoming more labored, and she couldn't see straight anymore, her mind buzzing. Jason didn't know what to do he's never seen what the hell was happening before, for fucks sakes the poor boy didn't even know what was going on. She put her hands on her chest trying to calm down but that only made it worse. She started to freeze her heart and she didn't even know it. Her right hand was gripping on to Jason so tight he thinks he might lose it. "Ja- Jason, I... I can't be- breath." She struggled getting the words out. The ice was crawling up her neck now and she felt like her heart was slowing down. 

"Y/N look at me right now." Jason said trying to get her to look up. "Look at me." He grabbed her chin and made her glowing eyes look up. "I can't fix what I don't know what's happening to you. I need to help you or you're going to kill yourself." He stated trying to mask his nervousness.  "Ma- Maybe that's be- better." She shivered becoming colder by the second. "No, no that wouldn't. Are you having a panic attack?" Todd asked. She shook her head yes as the blue of the ice started to hit her face. That's when it clicked, he knew what to do. He grabbed her hand and took it off her chest trying to slow down the process, that's when she collapsed trying to breath and not cry, still freezing from her previous actions. Jason got on the floor with her and made her lay down wrapping his arms and legs around her to keep her in place and so that she couldn't feel anything else but him. "Breath, do you hear my heartbeat just that that's all you need." He whispered kissing her hair. She was cold and he would rather be warm and holding on to her but that's what he needed and what he needed was not important at the moment. 

"I love you." She mumbled, being tucked in his arms she finally started to relax.  "I love you to, I got you, I got you just remember that through everything I don't care if you hit me with ice, I will always love you and protect you." He mumbled closing his eyes. And sooner or later, Y/N fell asleep from exhaustion and Jason fell asleep from the warmth he started to feel coming off her. Safe and sound in each other arms  

Hello! Sorry this one is kind of rushed I saw a tik tok and went that would be a good story so bam! I hoped you liked it. As always comment and vote and if you want to request those are open but reminder, I might forget so please reach out to me if you don't see it. Thank you Newts_Runner

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