See you again Newt Pt.1

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Tonight was the night of celebrating the new greenie. I was the fifth one up after Gally came up in the box, first girl to ever arrive. 

I'm a runner like Minho or as I love to call him Min Min it bothers him that's why I love it. He's my best friend but Newt over there that's my boyfriend, he's with the newbie and I was bored so here I am sitting by Min. Newt doesn't like that I'm a runner, he hated the fact that I was there for tryouts but hey I want to help us get out of here. Sitting here talking to Ben and Minho I was pretty bored so I challenged Ben is to a race and being cocky as he is he thinking that he could beat me, he accepted.

As I got up I looked over at Newt as he was pointing towards Ben and I. I playfully winked at him and walked with Ben a few boys trailing behind to watch how it would turn out. "Alright, clean race to the homestead and back!" Minho shouted seeing as he was a little bit away.

"Three" I took a breath.

"Two" Smiling at Newt and the greenie.

"One" Looking a head in the dark. 

"GO!" And I took off running.

At first Ben was in the lead that was until I sped up and passed him touching the homestead and turning around sprinting back over to Minho who had his hands out waiting to see who would slap them first. I pushed harder focusing on my feet pounding the ground, I was close to touching Minho's hand until I was tackled to the ground. Knowing who it was I just started laughing and then watching Ben get up and hit Minho's hand before I could smiling down at me and laughing. 

Little did I know that was gonna be the last fun night in the glade especially with Ben...


We lost another Glader today. And as I watched Minho throw his bag into the maze and all of them push him out I couldn't take it anymore. Ben was my big brother along with Minho, what was I gonna do with out him.  So I took off towards the home stead crying the whole way.  I ran as fast as I could, I didn't even stop when I heard Newt calling my name. "Y/N!!!" And I kept running. 

Seeing as I was the only girl in the glade I had my own room and Gally made sure I had a lock on my door. As I ran into the Home stead I bolted up the stairs hearing foot steps behind me, but I kept running, I didn't stop, I couldn't. I got into my room and slammed my door shut, locking it. 

What was I gonna do without Ben. I was frustrated, angry, sad, and it all came out in one break down. I slid down the door holding my head and crying, screaming. "Y/n Love open up please." Newt said softly as he banged on the door. "Please darling." He Whispered, I didn't want to I wasn't going to. So I just sat on the floor for who knows how long. After a while there was another knock at the door but this time it was a different voice. My best friend who was always there for me and always will be. "Y/n open up it's Min Min." I sniffled. "Go away." "Please the boys are worried, Newts worried, Hell Alby's worried just come out ple-" But he stopped. As I unlocked the door I saw him standing there looking down sadly at me, so he hugged me. I gripped on to his shirt sobs racking my body. "Newt's here." He said. Letting go and I immediately gripped on to my boyfriend holding him like he was my life line.

Laying in bed and having Newt hug me for the whole night made me feel better. He fell asleep as I played with his hair, so I kissed his head and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


Time skip to the Scorch, Newt's P.O.V

We were all tired, we lost so many people and I came out with a scratch. A bloody scratch.  Y/N was slashed in the arm and stomach by a griever, she says she's fine but I don't believe her. "Get up it's time for breakfast then you have to do more tests." A guard said banging on our door.  I looked down at my sleeping girlfriend, what was going on in her head?  She gripped on to my stomach more as I shook her, Minho was already up and so was Fry, and Thomas. "Come on love time to get up we have to go eat breakfast and have more tests done. 

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