Gotham Gala Jason Todd

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"TIM!" I yelled, searching for the caffeine addict. "TIM!!!" I kept yelling searching the manor. "Fuck it I'll go get Jitters without your ass." I mumbled grabbing the keys to my truck. "DID YOU SAY JITTERS!!" I heard multiple voices scream and pounding coming from above me. Out of nowhere I had Tim Drake, Jason Todd and Dick Grayson coming at me all at once. "Oh fuck."  I whispered as I took off running with my keys in hand. "Bruce! Bruce! Help me!" I screamed, all of a sudden Alfred came around the corner with a tray in hand of course I didn't have time to stop and ran right into it having my face collide with the tray. "Ouch." I said grabbing my head and sitting up from the ground with all the guys laughing at me. Alfred helped me up and I looked at the guys glaring at them. "Fuck all of you." I said walking away and towards the garage where I kept my truck. "Oh come on pretty girl you said you were getting Jitters what did you expect!" I heard Jason yell. "Do your dumb asses want Jitters or not!" I yelled back walking away and opening the garage door. Before I could even open the garage door I heard my doors slamming and all the boys just sitting there smiling.  I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs and towards the truck. 


I sat at my computer looking dead as hell with Tim Drake asleep next to me. I rubbed my eyes for the hundredth time and stared back at the computer screen grabbing the red bull that was next to me a chugging the last of it before putting it down. "Hey" I heard a voice say behind me. "Hi" I said turning the chair around to face him, with a sleepy smile. "Come to bed you've been working on your suit for the last 12 hours give yourself a break." He mumbled starting to yawn. I hummed nodding my head before turning back around to go back to work on modifying my suit. I heard Jason scoff before walking over and saving what I had and shutting my computer down. "Hey I was working on that." I said looking up at him, "Not anymore come on lets go to bed." He said picking me up bridal style, I had to admit he was warm and my body was starting to win the battle of going to sleep. I pressed my body closer to him and closed my eyes, "Besides, we have the Gotham Gala tomorrow night might as well go to sleep now so you don't look dead at the dance." He said. I hummed again and felt him put my down and lay down next to me. "Goodnight beautiful girl." He mumbled and wrapped his arms around me. 

I woke up around 2:30 the next day without Jason next to me. Slightly disappointed I grabbed my hoodie and made my way down to the bat cave. "Hey bat dad." I mumbled as I made my way over to Bruce. "What's up Kiddo." He said watching the screens. "Do you got a date for the Gala tonight?" I asked and leaned on his chair as he scoffed. "Not gonna happen tonight sparks." He said never taking his eyes off the screen. I hummed and got up, "Alright hey I'm gonna grab Jason and do a quick patrol before tonight is that ok?" I asked. He nodded his head and I started to walk up stairs. I was humming a new song I heard as I searched for Jason, that's when I saw him hanging out of the couch playing games with Drake. So I ran up behind him and clapped my hands over his face, he started yelling and trying to see but he never got the chance. Until he grabbed me and made me flip over and into his lap I stared up at him as he was trying to kick Drakes ass, which ended up failing. "Batman wins" The mortal kombat game said. "Fuck!" Jason yelled glaring down at me. "Rude" He said as I laid in his lap. I giggled and got up grabbing his hand, "Come on bub we gotta patrol before the gala." I said walking out towards my room as I heard him groan. 


After patrolling and stopping a couple simple robberies I got back in my room and took a shower. After I got out I quickly dried and did my make up, that's when Barb smashed in my room squealing like a school girl. "AHHH I'm gonna make you look gorgeous!" She yelled and started to work on my hair. As soon as she was done I went and put on my skin tight light blue dress that was flowy at the bottom, and slipped on my dark grey heels. I heard a knock on my door with Barbra long gone I knew it was Jason. As soon as I opened the door I watched Jason's jaw drop to the ground, I grabbed his jaw and pushed it up and kissed him. "Alright pretty boy relax we got a whole gala to get through." I said pressing my body on him. He groaned and mumbled, "Are you sure we can't stay in and I can't just do you right here." I giggled and pushed him backwards.

 "Maybe later bird boy." I said winking, he groaned as I walked past him. He groaned and followed me out the door and down the stairs to my truck. "Can I drive?" He excitedly yelled. "No" I replied and got in. "And don't ask why because its my baby." I said. He huffed and climbed up as I drove up to the gala. And later on after we made it past all the crowds and screaming girls about Bruce's sons! We finally made it in, he grabbed my hand and spun me around and started to slow dance with me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned against him, "I love you Jason." He chuckled lightly and spun me again and started to sway. "I love you to beautiful." 

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