Drop em Conway Charlie Conway

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I walked into the locker room to gear up and lace up my skates, as soon as I walked in I was grabbed by my waist and pushed up against the lockers. "Well hello to you to Conway." I breathed out slightly chuckling as I looked up at him. His gorgeous blue eyes staring back down at me, "Hello beautiful." He whispered as swept his head down and locked our lips pulling my head up slightly.

See I wasn't short I was above average height being at 5'7 but Conway decided that he was gonna be 5'11, how rude. I lightly pushed him off me and winked at him just as the rest of the team walked in. "Ready to kick varsities ass?" Russ asked us. We all cheered back and geared up and walked out to the ice with the varsity players warming up, Charlie had a nasty look on his face that was directed towards Banks. I skated over to him and shoved him lightly telling him, "Knock it off." As I skated away I got into my position which was forward left and got ready for the face off. Charlie took it against Riley and got the puck speeding down the ice I skated after him. Calling his name to pass the puck but he wouldn't no matter who was open.

Minuets later we were getting our ass handed to us and Charlie was starting to be a real dick keeping the puck to himself and trying to score. "Conway!" I yelled as I skated right by him I turned around skating backwards and he swerved around me just as I turned around I got checked. Hard. I hit the ice and I could feel my nose starting to bleed, the varsity player laughing as he skated off. I tried to push my self up off the ice but it took me a second as soon as I got up another player sped up to me and checked me again, non of my team saw as I laid on the ice.

I couldn't get up it hurt to breath and I knew a rib or two was cracked. "Y/L/N! Get up and help us." I heard Charlie yell as he skated back towards the blue lines, and as he skated off I pushed myself up off the ground and got back in the game. Banks skated up to me and had a look of concern in his eyes, "Be careful I saw the last check you took don't get hurt." He said as he skated off down the ice. I finally got the puck and was racing down the ice ready to shoot when Charlie stole it from me and tried to score in the process tripping and crashing a couple people in the goal taking Banks with him on the way down. 

I raced over just as I heard Charlie tell Banks, "Go cry to your rich parents!" As he shoved him, Banks shoved him back and they started to fight. I Hockey stopped right against them confusing them for a second and shoved Charlie back from Banks. "What the fuck, Conway!" I yelled as I pushed him farther away. He looked down at me and glared, "Oh what now your gonna stick up for rich boy over there?" He got in my face. "Yeah cause he's my friend pull the stick out of your ass and get over the fact that he made varsity and we didn't." I yelled getting up in his face, and shoved him hard everyone was watching us do I care? No I'm gonna stick up for my friend. 

He pulled of his helmet and started to come at me. "Fine you want to drop them Conway? Then drop them. " I said as I threw my gloves down swinging at Charlie he blocked it and dropped his glove grabbing my helmet and pulling me forward.

"You'll lose and you know it, cause your short and weak and just a liability always have been." He said and he shoved me away from him. I came at him again and upper cutted him. He swung around and nailed me in the ribs, I coughed for a second and glared at him. "Cheap shot asshole!" I screamed just as I came at him. Coach Orion came in and yelled at Varsity to get out, I took my helmet off breathing heavily and just as I was Charlie came in and punched me in the face. "WOAH CONWAY GET OFF HER!" Orion yelled. I hit the ice my nose bleeding and wanting to cry, Dwayne skated over and helped me up holding on to me so I wouldn't fall. 

"What is wrong with you guys! What ever mental edge you just had over varsity is gone and you Charlie what the hell is going on." Orion asked as he looked at me. "She stuck up for Richie rich." "That gives you no reason to hit her!" I looked at Conway and he gave me another nasty look. What happened to the sweet boy before this, where did he go? "Robertson take her to the nurses office." "Yes sir" He responded. Starting to take me off the ice, as we skated by Charlie he gave me another look and mumbled something. "Fuck you Conway." I said as I skated by. Dwayne took me off  the ice, "Just take me to the locker rooms." I whispered about to cry. 

Dwayne looked at me, "No your hurt real bad you have to go to the nurse." I shook my head slightly laughing. "I'm ok Cowboy just take me to the locker room. He nodded and brought me back to the locker room.  I sat down and let out a heavy sigh, Dwayne looked concerned but I just shook him off and told him go back to practice. He nodded and walked back out to the rink, and I sat there breathing hard trying to catch my breath but it was hard when you have two or three broken ribs. I closed my eyes and leaned against the locker trying to make the pain go away and the in coming head ache to leave before it got worse. All of a sudden Fulton walked in with Charlie following behind him, I was still bleeding and my eye was swelling up so I closed my eye and leaned my head back against the locker. 

It had only been five minuets but Fulton was walking out and so was Charlie kicking my skate before he left, I didn't respond just sat there as the door closed. I started to take off my skates and pads and put it all away walking out of the locker room and started walking home. Let me tell you with broken ribs it hurts and sucks, I got home and dropped my stuff my mom running out to say hello till she saw me. "What happened?!" She yelled as she came up to me. "Charlie Conway." I mumbled. "What? What do you mean Charlie, what happened between you two?" She asked leading me over to the couch. "He said I was a liability to the team. " I said as I started to cry. 

"Give me one second." She said as she walked off, I laid down and closed my eyes falling asleep. I was shaken awake with what felt like ten minuets but was actually 3 hours. "What?" I mumbled to my mom. "Were gonna go out for dinner can you walk." I gave her a really look and sat up slowly as she helped me to the car. We drove off towards the city and pulled up to a familiar dinner. "Mom no." I mumbled and closed my eye. 

"Come on." We walked in and sat down and mom left to go talk to Charlies mom. I closed my eyes and leaned back in the booth. 

"Hey" I heard someone say. I opened my eye and sat up. "What do you want Conway." I asked closing my eye again. 

"I'm sorry." 


"I'm sorry."

"No you don't get to say that because you know what I got checked twice and had a couple ribs crack you yelled at me because I couldn't get up and you didn't even check on me, I stick up for my friend and you freak out well here's the thing he's your friend to so stop being such a stubborn ass and get over it, you punched me what kind of boyfriend does that? Why, Why did you have to grab onto my helmet? You called me a damn liability, you don't think I know that? You don't think that I don't sit there in class at that stupid school and think about quiting because I'm not as good, because I know, I know I'm a god damn liability but I didn't need my boyfriend telling me that." I said out of breath. 

"You broke your ribs?" He questioned. Looking hurt, I scoffed "Yes and if you were a good boyfriend then maybe you would realize it." He got up and sat next to me taking my chin gently and looking at my eye and my face in general. "What did I do?" He mumbled more to himself then me. 

He looked hurt, mad at himself. I should be mad to but when he looks like that it hurts. "Hey look at me." I said as I grabbed his face. "Its ok you were mad but that doesn't give you an excuse to hit me. That's bullshit so as soon as you get your act together were gonna go on a break ok?" He started to cry slightly and shaking his head. "No, no I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He said through tears. "I know, I know." I said as I kissed him lightly on the lips, he pushed back and kissed me a little harder his tears landing on our lips making the kiss salty. I started to cry as he kept kissing me, I grabbed his shirt and balled it into fists holding on to him before I let him go for the next couple months. 

"Please don't do this." He said as he pulled away. "I'm sorry Charlie, I love you but just give it a bit, we'll be alright ok? I love you." I said as I started to move and get up. He sat back down and put face in his hands and started to cry harder. I wrapped my jacket around me and walked out and got back in the truck starting to cry. 

"Oh Conway what am I gonna do with you..." I said in between painful gasps of air. 

Hello! Tell me your fine with out telling me your fine! Charlie Conway just existing XD. Anyways hello I'm currently in History class writing this because I'm bored and Napoleon doesn't interest me that much. Anyways hope you enjoyed love you all! Newts_runner.

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