When Push Comes To Shove

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Playlist: I feel like I'm going to cry

Don't forget to yell at me in the comments! (Not literally though!)


That morning, she woke up to the same sound of beeping. The next few days were a blur, she can remember his condition not getting worse but at the same time not getting any better. She knows that Kawaii~Chan tried to visit her the first few, which only ended up getting them both kicked out of the hospital those first few nights. To say she was pissed off was an understatement. With her and Kawaii~Chan living in the same house, she tried her best to avoid her.

She contemplated staying at Aphmau's house for the meanwhile, not wanting to risk her temper but she stayed at the hotel for the time being. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do now, she went to her job during the daytime, time slowly seeming to slowly pass no matter what she did, then she'd go get some order out, maybe pass by the gym and spend a few hours there, swing by the hospital and do something else. 

The cycle went on for a week and a half until it decided to eventually change. 

The day was anything like any other, she went to work, stopped by the gym for an hour or so, went home to change and take a shower, and stopped by the hospital, and took a seat next to him. The room was filled with deafening silence, but she had gotten used to it, that was until today. She was just sitting there on the chair, phone in her pocket, and she was just twiddling her thumbs waiting for something to change until it did. 

"Hey, Katelyn," The voice was croaky, but they 'hey' was stretched out like always.

"Irene..." She knew that voice, "I get attacked once and you end up looking like a homeless forest hermit with no purpose in life," He sighed and she could pratically feel the proudness radiating off of him because of that comment. She ignored it with an invisible roll of her eyes and got up from her seat with vigor almost leaping towards him to hug him. Carefully, she got and brought him into a hug. "Travis!"

"How are you feeling?" A small smile made its way on her face, he was alright, it was going to be okay, god she never missed that stupid face of his that badly until today. He's stupid grin and smirks that made her heart flutter, or how he was so patient with her even at her roughest and meanest moments, she didn't deserve him at all.

"Mm," He shrugged his shoulders eyes fluttering closed again, she let out a sigh shoulders dropping. He barely stayed awake when he woke up that day but that was to be expected, next time the nurse came around she reminded herself to tell her what happened but that wasn't until much later. 

She hoped things would get better. 


"What do you remember Travis?"

"Just... Just the pain, it was like I was on fire..."

"Did you notice anything about who attacked you?"

"Somethin' was wrong, they didn't look human at all,"

"Do you know who it was?"

"Mmmm, no, not really just that I was hanging out with Zane and Garroth, and I shook Zane's hand or somethin' like that, I don't know?... And then I was attacked, and I woke up here,"

"Sorry I can't remember it,"

"Oh, you don't gotta be sorry about that, it's probably best if you don't remember it, at least your okay, that's all that matters. We'll try to find them as soon as possible," The officer gave him a nod, closing their notepad, but then opening real quick. "Zane and Garroth Ro'Meave, right?"  The silver-haired man nodded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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