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Yet there was always something tempting her to do something at the back of her mind, but she managed to save herself at the last moment.


This story is set as if Garroth wasn't turned into a Werewolf on Starlight and the Season 6 never happened, Blaze and Rachel are still alive in this AU. They have returned to their Streets and it is set 3 months once they arrived back there. They are now used to Aaron and Aphmau being both Werewolves, currently, they are working on a wedding, along with dealing with other problems. Aaron and Aphmau hide their Werewolf ears in public but don't hide them around their friends. Zane is currently living by himself now that he has a job that pays well, the Maid Cafe Aphmau and Kawaii-Chan own.

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If you wanna understand certain aspects of this story go read my story called "Aphmau Discussions" since it explains what most of what is going on during the story, though you don't have too, it would just help clear up most of the confusion in this story.

. . . Foreward . . .

"The smile of an Angel.

The Bite of a Demon."

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. . . Playlist . . .

love hurts, but hey i'll be alright

 it's going to be okay...

i still think of you

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