Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Kitty insisted on doing Rogue's make-up for the dance and while she kept it heavy as Rogue liked, she went for a more smudged, smouldering look, which suited the dress to a T. The dress highlighted all of Rogues assets, specifically her hourglass figure. Though she had originally intended to make sleeves (which weren't part of the pattern) or wear long gloves with the dress, in the end Rogue opted not to. Tonight could be her 'coming out' party if you liked, to the kids at Bayville High. The main reason though, was that she wanted to touch Gambit, skin to skin. Nothing serious, but just hold his hand, stroke his face, things that regular people took for granted.

Kitty had also swept her hair back from her face, somehow finding a way to fold it into a French pleat, secured with lot of tiny bobby pins, each with a crystal bead on the end that caught the light. At the front, she had left a few white tendrils free, which framed Rogue's face.

Rogue took one final look in the mirror and smiled, thinking that she didn't scrub up too badly. All the other students had left already, it was just that Rogue had a hell of a time adjusting the corset without help, which made her flustered, which made her perspire, which meant she had to check her make-up to be sure she wasn't shiny. Added to all that, she really wasn't used to this glamour stuff and she was terrified of making a fool of herself; tripping on her high heals, or smudging her make-up, or getting lipstick on her teeth; all of which meant that she had hesitated while she seriously considered not going at all.

Then she gave herself a stern talking to. She wasn't some girlie girl who worried about looking perfect! She was Rogue, for god's sake, the girl who didn't need anyone's approval. If her heel broke, she'd go barefoot, if her dress ripped, she'd tear a matching rip on the other side. Not to mention that she was a vampire now and had amazing reflexes and the ability to fly, so tripping over anything wasn't something she needed to worry about.

She straightened her shoulders, grabbed her overnight bag and headed out of her room. Remy was waiting downstairs for her and took her bag from her as he looked her over.

"Chère, you look good enough to eat."

Rogue couldn't help but smile. "Save it for later, Cajun. Now let's get going before we're late." She actually thought that he looked pretty good himself, but his ego was big enough without her complementing him.

"Uh, I'm the one who's been waiting for you for twenty minutes."

"You'll be waiting a lot longer if you don't give me your arm like a proper southern gentleman."

Remy held out his crooked arm and Rogue took his elbow.

"No gloves?" he asked,

"No gloves," she confirmed.

He didn't ask any more. That was one of the things that she liked about him, he didn't pester her for answers, or demand to know why, or try to change her. He accepted her as she was and respected her decisions.

He had brought his car tonight, as he'd assured Kitty that he would, so she didn't have to worry about her hair getting messed up. Which was good, because Rogue really wasn't the kind of girl who worried about her hair getting messed up, nor did she want to turn into that kind of girl.

A they entered the school's main doors, they could already hear music coming from the gym.

Rogue felt a little like a princess as she walked the halls on Remy's arm. There was just something about walking these halls on Remy's arm, while looking and feeling like a million dollars (not to mention, wearing 4 inch heels) that made her feel as if she owned the place. She was not socially awkward Rogue, she was drop-dead-gorgeous, socially awkward Rogue, on the arm of her prince charming.

Dangerous Liaisons (X-Men ROMY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें