Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Rogue had been awake half the night thinking about her kiss with Remy, remembering the feel of him against her skin and hoping that they could do it again soon. As a result, she looked like crap this morning, but skilfully hid her dark circles with concealer and slightly heavier make-up.

Her red rose sat in a tiny vase on the dressing table and her gaze was frequently drawn to it, remembering how good it felt to be given a flower. That was a first for her. Then her thoughts would inevitably lead back to the kiss. She could kiss him! Her reluctance to leave the rose and her memories of last night meant she was late for breakfast, only having time to grab a breakfast bar on her way out, which she managed to eat while she drove the others to school.

Still, despite her bliss about Remy, she felt a pang of dread as the school came into sight. Although she had been an innocent bystander in the events of yesterday, she was sure to be blamed for them and retribution would be on a few peoples minds today.

She caught herself looking around the parking lot for Remy's bike but stopped herself. He wasn't her night in shining armor and even if he was, like she had tight told him last night, she didn't need rescuing.

Today she had both Biology and English with him, so at least she'd get to see him a little in class.

As they approached the school steps, her doubts began to set in. That had been her first kiss, but what if it wasn't any good? She had no way of knowing, after all, she had nothing to compare it to. Maybe that was why he disappeared so fast last night, maybe it was bad and he wouldn't want to see her again.

"Earth to Rogue, hello?"

"Sorry, Amara, what did you say?"

"I asked if I could catch a ride with you and Kitty after class. I want to get some things in town."

"Sure, meet you in the parking lot?"

"Great. And don't day dream too much over McDreamy," she teased, "the teachers tend to frown on that."

Rogue rolled her eyes and turned to her locker. Inside was another red rose. She smiled, wondering how he'd got it in there; he must have stolen her combination from the office or something. She allowed herself one quick sniff of the bloom, then stored it at the back of her locker for safe keeping.

Two strong arms wrapped around her waist and she was pulled against someone's chest.

"You better be a handsome Cajun, or you're gonna get a pounding."

"Mornin' chère."

She smiled and turned as he loosened his grip, wrapping her arms around his neck.


He leaned towards her but she quickly put a gloved hand over his lips.

"What's wrong?" he asked, though it came out slightly muffled through her gloved fingers.

"I just, I don't want anyone to know yet, you know?" she answered, keeping her voice low.

"No." He sounded hurt.

"If people discover that you can touch me, especially my friends, it'll become this whole big issue and I want to keep what we have for us for a while. Is that okay?"

He relaxed. "Sure thing, chère, no kissing in public."

"Thanks. By the way, Kitty is dragging me shopping this evening."

"You say it like it's a bad thing."

"With Kitty, it is."

"Well go wild, chère, La Femme Fatale has my credit card number and instructions that the sky is the limit."

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