Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Rogue was on her way home, feeling a little disappointed that Bella Donna hadn't tried anything. It wasn't that she wanted to get kidnapped by a psychotic bitch, just that she wanted this whole thing finished. She had only been living with this fear for two days but Remy had dealing with it, in one form or another, for over 100 years. The guy deserved a break and if her plan failed, she wasn't sure what the next step should be.

She was about half way home when she heard a small sound from the engine, then she felt it slip, the engine revving higher while the speed didn't go up. She slowed the bike and changed down a gear, but that felt difficult and clunky.

She pulled into the side of the road, knowing that her transmission must be shot and she shouldn't drive any further than absolutely necessary. Maybe that noise she heard was a stone nicking the fluid line or something, she mused as she put the kickstand down and got off the bike. She could see something dripping onto the ground and knew that she was right.

She pulled out her phone to call the mansion for a lift, just as a tow truck pulled over in front of her.

Well, wasn't that a happy coincidence, she thought dryly.

"Hey, you having problems?"

Though the woman who got out of the truck was wearing dirty overalls and her hair was crammed under a baseball cap, Rogue was in no doubt that this was the elusive Bella Donna.

"Transmission's shot," Rogue said trying to sound calm. "I'm calling a ride now."

Before she could hit speed dial #1, Bella was upon her and her phone vanished. Rogue did her best to fight but she was no match for a vampire. As Bella dragged her back to the truck, Rogue managed to kick the bike over, but that wasn't exactly helpful. She didn't stop struggling though.

"Okay, sweetie, this is getting old."

The next thing Rogue saw was a fist coming at her, then her vision slowly darkened to nothing.

At the side of the road where Rogue had pulled over, lay Remy's bike on the ground, a small pool of fluid under it.

Remy looked around, hoping for any sign of where Rogue might be now. He couldn't feel her any longer, and that thought was scaring the shit out of him. He tried to pick up a scent to follow but he couldn't find a strong one, meaning that she must have left in another vehicle. He also detected a trace of Bella Donna, not that he had really expected anyone else to be behind this.

He heard the Blackbird before he saw it and was grateful for their arrival, because he wasn't sure he was thinking clearly enough to be able to find her in time on his own.

"What happened?" Logan asked as he came out of the small plane.

"The transmission fluid is leaking." Remy explained.

"I can smell explosives." Logan added. "Not strong, but definitely there."

"Bella must have done something to break the bike," Remy explained. "Set the transmission line to break at a set time, or by remote control or something."

Logan got his communicator out and yelled into it. "Charles, I need Rogue's position now!"

"She's still on the move but head towards the east of town. I'll tell you when she stops."

She awoke to find she was still in the truck and wondered how long she had been out for. Her hands and feet were tightly bound with something that she couldn't break.

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