Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The next morning Rogue felt a little thrill at the idea of going to school, something that was unheard of for her. She took a little longer with her make-up today and was tempted to wear something different, but that would just mean she had to answer unwanted questions from the other kids, so she went with her purple ballet top, one of her favourites.

Logan was as pleasant as usual over breakfast, but he managed a grunt as she sat down, even if he didn't look up from his newspaper article. Rogue looked over to see what was so interesting and read the headline upside down. 'Young man slain in animal attack.' As horrible as that was for the boy, Rogue's most prevalent thought was that she really hoped that no one came knocking on the institute's door, looking for Hank, Wolverine, or even Rahne.

She arrived at school, pleased to realise that she was no longer the hottest topic of conversation. Amanda, Kurt's human girlfriend, cornered Kitty almost as soon as they got out of the car, keen to share her knowledge. Rogue couldn't help but hear as she walked in behind them.

"Tish totally dumped Matt last night!" Amanda giggled. "They got into this huge fight at the coffee house and she told him that she didn't want him to take her to the dance any more because someone else wanted to ask her, and then she dumped his ass! In front of everyone!"

"Oh my god, that is like, so totally random! Who else would want to go with her?" Kitty asked.

"Well, word is that the new guy, Remy, won't ask her to the dance while she already has a partner, so that's why she dumped him."

"Was he there?"

"No, he was there earlier but he had gone by the time this happened. He was fawning over her before he left though, buying all her drinks, forcing cake on her."

"You were there?" Kitty asked, wondering why she could never be present when stuff like this went down.

"Not the whole night, but my Mom and I stopped in after we'd bought my dress for the dance."

Just then, Matt walked past with his arm around Annie, who looked like the cat that got the cream.

"So Matt's going with her now?" Kitty asked once the couple was out of earshot.

"Yeah, basically as soon as she dumped him, he said that she was a loser anyway and he was glad to be free of her, then asked Annie to go to the Hut with him. I guess he asked her to the dance while there."

"And how do you know he asked her?"

"Well Annie called Petra, who told Jen, who told-"

Rogue had heard enough. So Remy LeBeau was going to Homecoming with Tish. She didn't care. She wasn't going anyway, so why should she care? She had sworn off all men, remember, and this little episode just proved to her how right that decision had been.

Thankfully Remy didn't sit with her in any of their classes that day but every time she saw him, he would smile at her. Not the arrogant smirk that he used with other women but a nice, friendly smile.

Rogue scowled in reply each time and quickly looked away.

"Did you hear the latest?" Kitty asked Rogue as she sat down for lunch, today with her back to the cheerleaders table so that she couldn't be tempted to look over at Remy.

"What?" she asked, with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

"Remy asked Tish to meet him out front after school. He's going to ask her to the dance!"

"And why am I interested in the love life of some brain dead cheerleader?"

"You looked interested enough this morning."

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