Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Thankfully Kurt was driving them to Katie's house, so Rogue didn't have to worry about life and limb. He didn't approve of her plan to sneak away, but she assured him that she would be back with the girls before midnight. Besides, not only was she his older sister, she had a fearsome temper, so he didn't argue too much.

They dropped her off about a block away from Katie's house and she headed towards Melody Lane South, where Remy lived. It was quite a step from where she'd been dropped, but she used the time to go over her thoughts a few more times although sadly, she still didn't reach any firm conclusions. There had been a fourth animal attack last night but aside from being gruesome, it did nothing to prove or disprove Remy's innocence.

She felt tired since she hadn't got to sleep until late last night, but for the past three nights, her dreams had been nightmare free. She had dreamed about Remy each night. First the beautiful room and the candles, the next night they were skinny dipping in the ocean, and last night they had been at the local make out point in Scott's car. Although her crush on Scott had faded, it seemed that her love of his car hadn't.

She forced those memories from her mind as she got closer to Remy's house, she needed her wits about her and thinking of naked Remy definitely hindered her ability to reason logically.

She became slightly intimidated as she entered his street, since it became clear that this was a fairly affluent area. She tried to put that thought out of her mind as she looked for his house number. She quickly identified it and before she could lose her confidence, she strode up the driveway to the front door and banged loudly on it. She saw movement behind the door and a few seconds later, he was standing there, looking fresh from the shower and clad only in a towel.

All coherent thought went out of the window as Rogue leaped on him, her legs wrapping around his waist as her lips claimed his. He tried to push her off for a moment but quickly gave in and kissed her back. They stumbled along the hall, Rogue not really caring where they ended up, as long as his arms stayed wrapped around her.

They ended up in the kitchen and Remy placed her on the table, quickly climbing atop her. Rogue kept her legs wrapped around his waist, trapping him against her, she could feel his manhood pressed against her core and suddenly wished that she had less clothes on. The need she felt was almost overwhelming.

Slipping her hands between them she quickly divested him of his towel and grasped his length in her hand. He groaned into her mouth and moved his lips to her neck, where he licked and kissed her with such skill that Rogue thought she might orgasm from that alone. She rubbed his shaft up and down, eager to give him the same release that he had given her the other night.

Then suddenly Remy was gone.

Rogue sat up and saw him on the opposite side of the kitchen, his back to her. Most of the lights were off in that part of the kitchen but she could see his outline in the reflected light from her side, which played over the muscles in his back and butt, making her want him even more.


"You should go," he said, his voice thick with lust.

"I'm not going anywhere until you explain what all this is all about! I deserve to know why one second you're all over me and the next, you're dumping me!"

"You deserve a lot, Rogue, but not me."

"What does that mean?!" she cried, getting thoroughly fed up with his evasions. She got off the table to go to him and noticed that her shirt was unbuttoned and her bra unclasped. When and how had he managed that? She held her shirt closed and approached him, then paused as she passed an appliance. She took a closer look at her reflection in the shiny surface, and noticed two scratches on her neck. She touched her hand there, and came away with a smudge of blood on her fingers.

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