Chapter 25: "Crying, Bleeding, Dying."

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"You're gonna do great." Darry gave me a reassuring smile that I matched.

"Thanks." I added bluntly.

"Ya remember your training?"

I nodded, looking towards the door. A day had gone by then my nerves had gone up dramatically and with every movement I started to feel queasy again.

Darry put his hand to the side of his mouth and started to whisper. "You're gonna ace this." He paused. "You're the most presentable one here and the smartest one."

I looked around the room. I was waiting in the little area that was just outside the manager's office at the back of The Dingo. To be honest, I didn't even know that it was there and neither did Darrel by the looks of him when we got lead there.

The room was just a little corridor with three purple, slightly stained armchairs that looked as though they didn't belong in that stretch of hallway. There were drag marks on the floor to where the chairs were placed, which were black and very noticeable on the white tiles.

There was one cream door at the far end of the corridor which, by the looks of things, lead into an office where the manager was waiting. Two girls had already come out of the door and left the corridor completely. That made four of us because, before she got called in a few minutes earlier, there was a girl staring me down in the seat opposite mine.

She looked about 20 to 22 but as the makeup around her eyes and mouth made her look older, her real age was probably 17. I wasn't sure whether she dressed up or they were her normal clothes. She had on a tight leather dress that hung underneath her shoulders and stopped closer to her hips then knees. To top it all off, she had black boots that were high-heeled so it made her look taller. She seemed about 5'3 but the heels added on another 2 inches so she was definitely taller than me. Her hair had been brushed down and then curled but the ringlets were loose and messy so, it looks like bed hair. She was so very intimidating and when she got called in, I was immediately glad that she had gone.

It was just me and Darry left in the corridor and we didn't talk at all. No matter what he said, I still felt sick and I had an urge to run out of Dingo and back home.

About 10 minutes past and after that, every five seconds I was checking my watch.

The girl from before came out the door suddenly, pulling her skirt down as she tried to walk with the haste out of the corridor. The manager was just behind her and he nodded towards me, gesturing that it was my turn to get interviewed.

He was an older man, late 50s, and he was balding at the top of his head. He was in a clean looking, ugly brown suit with matching trousers and a fitted plain, boring, black tie that he had knotted a very tightly. He was wearing patterned blue shoes that were canvas and looked horrible with his set up. His face was sagging, due to stress probably, and his eyes were mean and a hollow black that seem to kill any living thing he looked at. He was married, as when he shook my hand, there was a wedding ring but I wasn't sure who would want to marry him.

I stepped into the room and he closed the door behind me. I brush myself down before I sat on the chair opposite him. I was wearing a loose black dress that was patterned with realistic looking roses. It was the smartest looking thing I owned and I doubt I had ever worn it, even on the west side. I wasn't in high heels, but some plain black shoes that Darry had given me. They were a bit big but they looked good and I was happy that I was able to wear them.

The manager had a notebook that he was scribbling in and besides that, was a piece of paper littered with questions that he wanted to asked me.

"Let's start this off easy," he said and looked up from his notes. "What's your name?"

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