Chapter 18: Ya worry too much

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Halloween wasn't as anyone had planned it, but if Dally had been that stupid to bet money he didn't have and someone hadn't been there to not let that happen, Halloween may not have been fun but it was, at least, not too wasted.

Now, Dally was full on drunk that night and in the morning he was full on hung over. Woke at 12 and still after all the times he had drunk his brain hadn't gotten used to the headache you get. I laughed when he struggled to get down the stairs at noon.

Darry took back Buck's car and I guess he thanked him. He also said I was a real idiot for saving Dally with a pool game against a fully grown man, but I just said it was a spontaneous moment and we left it at that without arguing anymore.

"Don't laugh at me doll." I looked at him, but Dallas was so hung over, I let it slip.

"Ya want breakfast Dal'?" I asked in the middle of cracking up because he held his head and moaned 'bout the headache.


"C'mon, Darry instructed me with a list of things to get done, and one of them is to feed ya, so ya have to eat anyway." I walked to the kitchen, folding up the list Darry gave me and reached 'round the table to grab the chocolate cake.

"Where's everyone else?" Dally sat down.

Darry had gone to work, Soda and Steve were somewhere, and Pony, Two and Johnny are somewhere else, but that was a rubbish answer. "What, ya don't like me being here?"

"Hey I didn't say that." He laughed. "Hey, no, I like ya being here."

I smiled cutting him a piece of cake.

"What happened last night?"

"What do ya remember?" I said, hoping I wouldn't have to tell the whole story again 'cause I had to tell the whole gang at least five times.

"Me playing pool." He paused. "Oh and drinking. Drinking a lot." He tapped his head.

"Do you remember me beating the man's ass in pool?" I looked into the cupboard and brought out some pain killers.

"Ya can play pool?"

"Sure I can play pool."

"Where's the money then?" He ate some chocolate cake and refused the pain killers, saying he could handle the man drilling in his head.

"I didn't take it."

"YA DIDN'T TAKE IT." He shouted, standing up.

"No I didn't take it." I said calmly. "I don't want a death wish."

He sighed, dramatically and sat back down again, eating the cake.

"Do ya want me to have a death wish?"

"No." He said quietly.

"So where's Johnny and Pony, man?" Dally looked at me.

"Gone walking somewhere. Don't worry, their with Two-Bit."

"Why didn't ya go with them?"

"I mean someone had to stay here and Darry didn't want me to move because he said something 'bout the man coming and hurting me." I shrugged. "So he gave me this enormous list of chores."

He laughed and lay down on the sofa, once he had swayed into the lounge.

"Ya got a switch Dal'?" I asked, longing to fiddle with something.

"Always, but ya not havin' it."

"Why?" I moaned.

He stayed quiet, but anyway, when I didn't get an answer, I switched on the Tv.

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