Chapter 8: Two faced

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It was super boring just walking up and down blue corridors, my shoes speaking on the Lino floor. I didn't wear a watch but I knew at least half an hour had passed from looking at the clocks on the walls. I had a real urge to spy on my brother and finally my will power wore off and I began to make my way down to the snack bar. I hoped they were still there after half an hour, but I supposed they would be if they had a connection. Randy had had many girlfriends, some more serious than others but I never liked the girl that he ended up bringing to the doorstep. She was always too snobbish or too make up covered or she was just plain rude to me, but if they were like that, Randy would never go out with them for long. Anyway, most of the girls didn't like me either because they thought I wasn't stylish or not as pretty as them. See what I mean by snobbish. Let's just say, Randy didn't have a great taste in girls but out of all the bad ones, I thought Lilly was going to be the first nice one in a long time.

I ended up getting lost, 'cause the way Stacy had told us to go, past through the waiting room and I was pretty sure if Joan saw me she would drag me out to the car 'cause I had been too long. Luckily, I bumped into a doctor who directed me and I finally arrived. The snack bar was cute with dark red walls and splattered with black paint that had dried into a pretty pattern. The tables looked old but they were nice enough and matched the wooden chairs. In the the middle of the room, I spotted Lilly and Randy. Lilly was chatting and Randy was smiling, occasionally taking sips out of his milk shake; chocolate, mine and his favourite flavour and Lilly had vanilla. I guess no one fancied a coke.

I had lots of chances to spy on Randy and his date, and I had become an expert on becoming invisible to his and the girls eyes. I started with, getting something for myself. I couldn't be wandering 'round, looking like a complete idiot, without a snack or drink in my hand. I walked over to the counter where, looking at the menu, pulled out a buck from my pocket that I always kept there. It was like a back up buck, in case of times like this.

"Bag of chips." I said, putting the dollar on the till. He nodded, walking off. I always kept one eye on them just in case they decided to walk off. When the man came back, he gave me the chips and took the money. The chips were hot and food tasted good in my mouth.

Step two, ya have to grab a table near enough to them that ya can hear what they are talking about, but not too close or ya'll blow your cover. I walked over to a table two away from theirs and lent towards my food. From someone else's point of view, I may have looked like a weirdo, but I was on a mission. Or I just called it that to make it sound cooler.

"So yeah, Lilly, enough about me." Randy took a sip of his milkshake. "Ya have any pets?" Typical Randy. I shook my head.

"Yeah." Lilly continued. "I have a German Shepard called Charlie." She smiled. "He's a real softy."

"How old is he?"

"We got him when Isla came?"

"Isla?" Randy looked confused.

"Yeah Isla is the name of my sister. Sorry I forgot to tell ya and I have a brother too. Michael." She took a sip of her milkshake.

I stopped eaves dropping after that 'cause I began to feel dizzy. It was like my brain had exploded and I couldn't stop the thought from seeping out but I shook my head, like that would have got rid of it. "Zola stop being stupid." I said out loud. "There are hundreds of Isla's that's came from the countryside that may be Pony's sister. It's not her. And anyway it isn't my place to even think about her." But how ever much I said to myself it all felt like a lie.

I stood up; I needed air. I needed a space to breath that wasn't filled with stuffy smells. I walked straight through the waiting area, not giving a damn 'bout whether or not Joan and Mark would see me, and went out the doors. When I was outside, I convinced myself that I was lying and that I should zip my mouth on everything to do with Isla, for Pony's sake. I still remembered the morning, where Pony couldn't even step in the room, let alone come anywhere near it. I wasn't the kind of person who could live with seeing people looking sad or mental hurt 'cause I know how much pain ya can be in if it does hurt real bad.

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