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3rd POV:
   Deku went to class like a normal day. Except when he got there, Bakugou wasn't there.

"Hm weird, Kacchan never misses a day..." Deku thought, muddering to himself.

Deku walked over to my seat and drifted off, thinking ways why Bakugou was late. He is always worried about his friends, especially his crush.

"M-Maybe he's late. No he's never late... What if he's sick? Yea! He could be sick. I mean we did train in the rain yesterday and he was the only one that wasn't wearing warm clothing." Deku thought.

Time skip brought to you by Deku making an All Might commercial

It was the end of the day, everyone was tired due to the day's training. Bakugou was lucky, but he did miss a lot of productive exercise.

Deku decided to go ask Bakugou what was wrong, after he ate. Before he could, Bakugou started walking down to the kitchen.

"A-Ah! Kacchan! Where were you today at school? Everyone was-"

Bakugou walked up to Deku and put his head on his shoulder.

"He feels really warm. My shoulder is heating up." Deku thought.

"Kacchan? Do you have a fever?"

Bakugou had no answer, Deku picked his head up a felt his temperature laying his slightly-cold hands on his forehead.

"Y-You're burning up Kacchan!"

Deku grabs him and carries him to Bakugou's room.

"Kacchan wait here I'll be right back!"

Deku went downstairs to get some materials. A cold rag, some warm blankets, and medicine. He came back but Bakugou was half naked outside of his covers.

"Kacchan! You have a fever, cover up!" Deku blushing, gets his hoodie and puts it on him half asleep. Then he grabs a warm blanket and wraps it around him like a burrito. He takes the rag and lays it on his forehead.

"There. Now take this medicine."

"N-No Deku... I'm not... doing... what a damn Nerd... would say..."

"Ugh, this is gonna be harder than I thought." Deku said.

He grabs Bakugou and sits him up. He gets the medicine and shoves it in his mouth, puts some water, then closes his mouth tightly.

"Okay Kacchan, Swallow!"

"Mm!" Bakugou nodded no with an angry expression on his face.

"Kacchan, you need it!"

Bakugou then gives up and swallows the pill, he gets tired and lays down.

"Finally, now get some sleep Kacchan."

"Don't leave, Deku..."

"Kacchan, I know the real you wants me out of here, I'll leave. Bye."

Bakugou wraps his hand around Deku's hand and pulls him into bed.

"Sleep, Nerd." Bakugou says as he closed his eyes and drifts into a deep sleep.

"Kacchan is gonna kill me tommorow... Please, please, please someone help me. I'll do anything, ANYTHING!" Deku mumbles.

-The Next Morning-
The next day Deku woke up before Bakugou did.

"Phew, I might actually not die today." Deku whispered.

"Hah Deku?" Bakugou questioned.

"A-Ah! K-Kacchan! U-Uhm before you k-kill me..."

"Shut up Nerd I know what happend. I guess it's my fault so I won't hurt you this time." He said calmly turning around not facing Deku.

"H-Hah? O-Okay Kacchan... I'll be heading out then. See ya."


"Yea Kacchan?"

"I never told you to leave."

Deku stood there, frozen like a popsicle.

"H-HE WANTS ME TO STAY? OH THIS IS MY DEATH BED IS'NT IT?!" Deku yelled in his thoughts.

Deku sat in a chair watching Bakugou fall asleep.

"So cute..." Deku said, not realizing he said that aloud.

"W-What'd you say nerd?" Kacchan looked surprised.

"I-UHM... JUST, LOOKING AT DOG PICTURES ON NY PHONE EHEHE!" Deku tried to save himself, but failed. Miserably.

"Deku, both of our phones are over here. You really are dumb. Haha."

"S-Shut up!"

"Okay Tsundere."


"Come over here Deku."

"W-Why? Are you gonna kill me now? Kacchan you're weak right now and-"

"I'm not gonna kill you Nerd! Just get over here."

Deku walked slowly, waiting for a sneak attack but soon realized there was no threat to him.

Bakugou pulled Deku on top of him.

"Just hush and sleep. You're warm."

"O-Okay..." Deku replies, screaming eternally.

Words: 703
Short but sweet. Haha hope you enjoyed. Not the best but had to get something posted!

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