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(Before dorms was a thing)

Deku woke up early one day and headed to school. He lived near Bakugou, so he saw him walking down his stairs.

"Hey Kacchan!"

Bakugou ignored him and walked in front of him.

Deku was used to this so he just quietly walked to school.

Half way there, there was a little girl on the side of the road, in front of Bakugou.

Bakugou started talking to the girl until Deku reached up.

"What's wrong?"

"She got lost. Take her to her damn mother."


"Mister! That's a bad word!" The little girl had orange hair and a bright blue eyes.

She got mad and started to form a box with her hand.

"Woah! That's a cool quirk you go th-"

The girl used her quirk to put them in a empty cube like thing. They were on the side walk, in a box.

"Sorry guys but you will have to stay in there for a whole day." The little girl said, walking away.

Deku couldn't hear the girl but he was confused. The box was big enough for about 20 people and was very spacious.

"WHAT THE HELL! I'm gonna kill that little girl!"

"Kacchan! She's just a little girl. She probably didn't mean it."

"Ugh! How do I get out of here!"

He started to make explosions but nothing would break the walls.

"I'll text Uraraka and tell her what's going on."

"We don't need help from them!"

"Kacchan were gonna be late!"

Deku started to text here:

Deku- Hey Uraraka

Uraraka- Hey Deku! Where are you class is about to start!

Deku- Me and Kacchan got trapped in a little girls quirk. I'll send you my address and tell Aizawa-sensei please!

Uraraka- Of course! Hopefully you won't die in there.

Deku- Thanks Uraraka.

"Uraraka will tell Aizawa what happened and we're gonna get help."

"UGH! I dont wanna be in here with you any longer!"

Deku sighed and then got a text from Uraraka.

Uraraka- Were on our way!

          -A few minutes later, they got another text.-

Uraraka- Can you not hear us?

Deku- No, are you here?

Uraraka- yes, we're in front of the box!

Deku- please tell me what's gonna happen.

Uraraka- Okay don't worry. We're examining everything.

                           -A few minutes later-

Uraraka- Okay so you are gonna be stuck in there for a whole day or more. We're not certain. Sorry! Aizawa said to hold on tight because we're gonna move the box.

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