"Yes, please."


After a breakfast fit for the Queen herself, I headed up to my room to change. While at breakfast, my aunt Serabi notified me that she'd had a few new clothes sent to my room. When I walked in, I realized she was being modest. The room was filled with rolling racks of things for me to choose from. I wasn't a flashy girl by any means, but I did spot a couple things to try on later when I had the time.

Today I needed to go back to the Inn and get my Jeep and my belongings from my room there. I also needed to get more answers as to who was chasing Marshala and I last night. Something told me I could get answers in town today, nothing voodoo related, just a hunch.

Searching the masses of clothing around me, I finally located a plain white tank top and jean shorts. I also came across a thick black belt that looked really cute with the outfit and I couldn't resist. After tugging on my black Dr. Martins, I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

I reached the bottom of the stairs when Thierry breezed through the front door, spotted me instantly, and gave me a crescent grin. He was even more handsome in sunlight. His deep dark skin seemed to glow even more radiantly.

"Good morning, niece." Thierry's welcoming bravado sang out in the room.

"Good morning." I said just before he hugged me. It wasn't an awkward hug, it was actually a nice one. One of those hugs that wasn't too quick or too lingering.

"Where you of to?" He asked noticing my bag draped over my shoulder.

"I have to run back to town to get my Jeep and the rest of my things from the Inn before my checkout time."

"Oh, no need. Delphine and Desire picked up your Jeep and things this morning." He informed, and as he did he turned to look at the front double doors and they swung open to show my Jeep nestled right next to an old oak.

"Oh. That's not creepy at all." I chuckled, sarcastically.

"You mentioned your Jeep before you passed out last night." He laughed.

"Oh, now that makes sense. That's my baby." I laughed too. "I should still go see Marshala and thank her for protecting me last night. I also saw a few books in her shop that I wanted to purchase."

"Oh, good. I'll come with you. I have a few errands to run that way too." He beamed.

"Oh, you don't have to. I'm really okay with going alone."

"Amara, you're the granddaughter of the Voodoo Queen. You can't just be roaming the streets of the French Quarter alone." Thierry frowned.

"I won't be alone. I'll be with Marshala...when I get to her." I rounded him before he could interject anymore. But before I could get through the doors, they shut firmly.

I gasped and spun around to Thierry. "Excuse you."

"You heard me say you need protection! You think this is a game? There are people out there who know who you are now! You're making it easy for them to get to you!" Thierry glared.

"I can take care of myself!" I glared back.

"I don't doubt that. But I'd feel better if you had someone with you."

"I don't need a bodyguard, Thierry."

"We take care of our own! You are one of us, you shouldn't be going anywhere without a guard!" He exclaimed.

"Thierry!" Anjelica's voice came from the top of the staircase and the both of us looked at her.

"Mama." Thierry said in acknowledgement.

"Let her go. She's got her powers back." Anjelica said.

"Yes. Powers she doesn't know how to use yet." He retorted.

"Amara is a Leveau. She'll be fine. If she needs our help, she'll call out to us. She'll know how if the matter calls for it."

Thierry looked at me once more before shaking his head and starting up the stairs. Anjelica waved her wrist and the doors clicked; swinging back open.

"Thank you." I sighed.

"Amara, Thierry meant no disrespect. He's very protective of his family is all." She said as she descended the stairs.

"I know. I just don't need a bodyguard. I can handle my own."

"I believe you. I do. But shadow walkers are no horror story. You be mindful of that, hear?"

"Yes ma'am." I nodded before grabbing my keys off the foyer table and passing through the wide open doors.

The drive to the French Quarter was relaxing. Just what I needed to get my whirling mind over the series of events that happened just eight short hours ago. When I reached Marshala's shop, I cut off the engine of my Jeep and headed inside. I pushed through the beaded curtain entrance and saw a few tourists beelining it to the crystal skulls and novelty voodoo trinkets.

I breezed past them to the counter and rested my arms on the cool glass. My fingers strummed mechanically as my eyes wondered around the store.

"Can I help you?" I sugary sweet voice asked behind me.

I turned slightly to find a petite girl with russet skin and thick dark hair that fell in curls down to her waist. She was pretty; dressed in a green T-shirt, jean shorts and black sandals. She looked no older than eighteen, though with a little more make up I'm sure she could pass for twenty, if she really wanted to. Her mud-brown eyes watched me back, expectantly.

"Oh, hello. I was actually looking for Marshala. Is she here?" I asked.

"She's out today." The girl said, clearly not giving anything away. Her eyes turned quizzical; not sure what to make of my reasoning for being here.

"Oh, do you know where I can find her? I have to thank her for...She helped me out in big way last night. I just wanted to let her know that." I said with pinch-lipped grin.

"She's out on an errand today. I'll let her know you stopped by." The girl informed. "What's your name?"


"I'll relay the message." She said with finality.

I rose my brows at her coolness and turned for the door. I felt her eyes on me the entire way out of the shop. When I pushed back through the beaded curtains of the door, I almost completely collided with a tall, black clad body. Strong arms caught me instantly and I gasped.

The arms were pale and covered in multiple tattoos and markings. The dark ink against his skin was unusual and beautiful all at once. My eyes traveled up and caught the dark blue eyes staring back down at me. Familiar blue eyes...They were embedded into a chiseled, flawless face of a man I felt should've been on the magazine cover of GQ.

"Hey, it's you." His voice was musically deep. "The mystery girl from the club."

"What?" I was still stunned by his handsome face.

Then it all registered-he was the man who bought me a drink at Wick'd.

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