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With haste, we continued our drive for three more miles until we reached yet another dirt road. Only this dirt road was different; it was surrounded by well manicured trees and the grass around them was a vivid green even visible in the night. It was through the trees that I made out the massive white house that sat beyond them. The mansion came into full view as the trees around it became sparse and the dirt path turned to the front gate of the estate and once it opened, we drove onto a long, narrow stone driveway. The live oak trees stretched into a canopy like giant fingers over the driveway as we drove; giving the place an eerie and mystical wonder about it.

"This is the old plantation our ancestors were enslaved on before our ancestor Marie Leveau overthrew the slave masters. We've since rebuilt the place into our own safe haven for our people." Anjelica informed as we reached the house and parked.

The house sat on welcoming steps leading to red double doors, and a wraparound porch with rocking chairs placed artfully around side tables. Six white pillars held up the overcasting rooftop and atop of the roof, I could make out three protruding windows which I guess was the attic. There were eight windows facing the front of the house and the second floor had a balcony which looked to stretch around to the back as well.

I couldn't hide my shock as I stepped out the SUV. This is where my mother's family lived? Why on earth would anyone leave this place? It was a southern oasis you only ever read about in textbooks or romance novels.

"Wow." I sighed in wonder.

I was so entranced by the mystical house and all it's trimmings, that I hadn't noticed the six figures perched at the top of the porch, waiting for us. The closer we got to the front steps, the more I could make them out: Two men and four women. They were all immaculately dressed in black and looked as if they'd just left a dinner party. The two men were tall and lean. Both were dressed in well tailored tuxedos, though the tallest of the two wore a red bow tie while the other wore a all black. The man in all black was younger than the man with the red bow tie, with smooth skin the color of deep umber and short, dark curls to frame his handsome, shaved face. The older man was striking, with shock white hair and blue eyes. I've never seen a black man with blue eyes; I was mesmerized. His skin was the same complexion as the younger mans, though withered by a decade. His piercing blue eyes stared at the lot of us as if to read into our souls or something. His mystic gaze kept circling back to me.

As for the women, I was shocked by their complete differences. The two girls seated on the center of the grand staircase were draped in similar, no, identical silk slip dresses. They were twins; both so stunningly gorgeous it was otherworldly. Their skin was Egyptian sand with a golden glow. Their hair was coiled into waist length dreadlocks, decorated with gold beads and gemstones. Their dark, feline eyes looked familiar to me, though they were perfect strangers to me. They both shared a quick glance at each other as if to share a thought together.

The women standing behind the twins was short, with walnut skin and microbraids tied at the nape of her neck. The black tunic she wore made her look like a free spirit from the seventies-it didn't fit the occasion everyone else was dressed for-but it was beautiful. Her almond shaped eyes were dark, but welcoming. She wore a slight smile.

When I caught sight of the statuesque beauty standing beside the older gentleman, I recognized her. She was the crooner from the night club I saw in my dreams. And by the way she cocked her head to the side when her hazel eyes skimmed over me alerted me that she recognized me too. How was that possible? How could she recognize me when she was a figment of my dreams? There was no way. Or was there? Stranger things have happened...

"Welcome home, Mama." The younger man greets Anjelica as we reached the stairs.

"Thank you, Thierry, baby." Smiled at him. She then turned to me and held out her right arm. I walked into her warm embrace before she turned back to everyone, "Family, we've received an unexpected blessing tonight. This is Amara, Monique's daughter."

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