4. The women

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"Whatever life has in store for us, make sure you grab that opportunity that comes with both hands and make something out of it."


Joe went to the back of the room out of sight and I followed him quickly. I looked at him, not much has changed about him since last time. He still holds that dangerous gaze and that smirk which will forever be printed into my mind for as long as I live.

"Hello Skylar, long time no see eh?" He said looking at me up and down greedily.

I felt uncomfortable under his gaze but didn't show it as his presence made me angry.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped at him crossing my arms waiting for a answer.

"I'm here to get what's mine princess," he said smirking as I flinched at what he called me.

"Don't call me that Joe," I said disgusted. "What do you mean by getting what's 'mine'? I put quotation marks around mine with my fingers, feeling confused.

"You really don't know?" He gave a low chuckle as I shook my head.

"You. You are what I'm getting, you are what's mine and only mine," he growled as I stared at him in shock.

"Last time I checked I didn't belong to anybody, especially you Joe." I said crossing my arms.

"Last time I checked you belonged to someone, especially that Bieber kid," he mocked his eyes livid and jaw tense as he mentioned him.

"What's wrong with Justin?" I scowled at him.

He let out a loud dangerous laugh which made me shiver slightly.
"Nothing's wrong with him, just that he has something that's mine," he spat out the word mine for like the hundredth time.

"No one owns me for gods sake I'm out of here, away from you who is acting like a god damn psychopath," I huffed.

Before I knew it a rapid pain spread through my body as I whimpered crashing to the floor as I came in contact with the wall behind me.

"You clearly haven't learned your lesson the last time we met," Joe spat at me as he crouched down so he was at my level looking right into my eyes menacingly.

I gritted my teeth at the harsh pain spreading on my lower back. Joe stood up and turned around to get something from the black backpack he was carrying and brought out a needle.

I stood up quietly wincing as he had his back to me. Joe stood up and looked at me widening his eyes, then he smirked.

"Nice to see you aren't such a wimp, but unfortunately this is going to make it harder to put this into you," he held up the needle as I gulped not looking at it.

He placed the needle carefully on top of his backpack and then walked towards me.

"I should do something else, which would make it easier for both of us," he shot is arm out at me as I ducked to the right avoiding his hand.

"This would be fun," Joe looked at me amused at my action.

I clenched my teeth at his comment. Joe brought his wrist back and swung it at me but I grabbed it and with all my force I pushed him against the wall like he did to me.

Joe gasped as he came in contact with the wall falling to the floor and stood up quickly anger flashing in his eyes.

He kicked his leg at me but I did a backflip avoiding it looking at his face which held a mixture of surprise and anger.

He suddenly flung himself at me and my arms were pinned to my body.

"Got you," Joe snarled.

I threw my head back and there was a crunch as I made contact with a chin. I kicked back scraping my heel down a shin, and jabbed my right elbow into the solar plexus. Joe's hands released me and I spun around feeling the satisfying crunch of bone as my fist slammed into his nose.

"Aaaargh!" Joe groaned who was withering at my feet clutching his nose.

"I think you've broken my nose, you stupid little cow!" He said, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

I looked at him a smile creeping onto my face at what I've done. Those small lessons of teaching how to defend myself paid off, I grinned but froze when I saw a couple of people coming towards us. My heart started pounding and I saw a women come up to me with black sunglasses covering her face with a sense of mysterious feeling clouding around her.

"Here you go," she flung a card at me. "You're moves are pretty impressive and it would do you good if you visited this place." She said emotionless with a tight smile on her lips and she told two guys dressed in black to search the whole of McDonalds as people started screaming when police cars came outside and the officers barged in telling everyone to get out.

"Skylar? Skylar where are you?" I heard Justin's voice as I looked at the women who told me to go back.

"I'll see you very soon, Skylar Anne Watts," she nodded at me and I stared at her in shock at the mention of my name.

"How did you-" I got interrupted by a bone crushing hug from Justin as I winced my back aching.

Justin put his arm around me carefully supporting me as he took me outside to the screaming, police sirens and flashing of cameras as Justin shielded me away from them getting me into a car.

I took one last glance behind me and saw that Joe was nowhere to be found or that mysterious women.

I sat back in my seat as Justin placed his hand on my arm rubbing it soothingly as it relaxed me while he was talking to someone on his phone.

There was a piece of card digging into my palm of my left hand as I held it up slightly making sure Justin didn't see.

Mrs Jemima Smith
School of protection, rights and self defence.

It had her number, email and the address of the school. I made a mental note to myself to check this women out and see who she was when I get home. I looked out at the window suddenly feeling tired.

Today was a long day.

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