13. The Beach date

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"Life is not about how you look or act, it's about having the best time of your life and laughing all the worries away"


I looked at my clothes all over my bedroom sighing.

I stood there for fifteen minutes now completely unsure on what to wear for this beach date, no beach outing with Justin.

I don't know if this is a date or not, he didn't really say so I shouldn't try too hard to impress him. All he has seen me in was basically my sweats, jeans, hoodies, a black dress, that's it.

If I'm going to spend a day with him, I have to at least make a effort. Not to mention the paparazzi's will be judging me if I don't wear something decent.

I bit my lip trying to search for a outfit, then finally I smiled, perfect.

I chose the strapless black bikini that I have been given as a gift from one of the fashion designers in Australia, my denim shorts with a black print pattern on and a long ruffled white tank top.

I got dressed by first wearing my black bikini then I wore my white tank top and shorts on top of the bikini.

I got my beach bag out filling it with items I may need at the beach. I found my black sandals and a couple of accessories which I got on. After ten minutes I was finally finished.

I tied my hair up in a loose ponytail then I grabbed my bag and phone and got out of my bedroom closing the door.

I made my way downstairs and when I reached the last step, the doorbell rang as I smiled.

Just in time.

I nervously glanced at myself in the hallway mirror, taking in my appearance. I looked really good and my face was free of makeup which brought out the colour of my eyes really well against my natural looking face.

I opened the door and was greeted by a happy looking Justin winking at me. I took a glance at what he was wearing before meeting his eyes.

He was wearing long black shorts that rested just on his knees and a thin white shirt. I called it thin because you can just about see a few of his tattoos underneath that I haven't noticed before.

He held out his hand before looking at me head to toe raising his eyebrows and I took his hand shyly as I walked down the steps. I turned around letting go of his hand and locked the front door of my house.

Justin held the passenger door open for me as I said a 'thank you' to him getting in smiling at how much of a gentleman he is.

He got in the drivers seat and I buckled my seatbelt as he drove off to the direction of the beach. Justin stopped at a traffic light and I looked around the car as I didn't glance at his car properly when he was at my house.

It really looked expensive inside: comfy leather seats, impressive radio thing, and it had a rich feeling to it. I mentally faced palmed myself.

Duh of course he will be the owner to expensive cars because look how famous he is.

I glanced at Justin who had a smile on his face and a faraway expression.

"What kind of car is this?" I ask him quietly not sure if he heard me but I got my answer when he turned his head looking at me smiling.

"It's uh one of my favourites, a white Ferrari," he says shrugging as I stared at him gobsmacked.

"W-What?" I let out struggling to speak.

Justin let out a chuckle obviously amused at my expression.

"Don't look so surprised Skylar that's what celebrities have these days," he says and changed the gear when the green light showed again and he drove.

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