Chapter 28

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It's been two weeks since i went over to Jordans, i've been staying there ever since. No i haven't forgotten about Britt i just haven't really heard from her. Me and Jordan have been bonding more and i'm starting to completely understand more about her. When she dated B she was still a fem, i haven't left her house so all ive been wearing were her clothes i didn't mind because they were comfortable even though it made me look boyish. I looked at myself in the mirror and at my stomach. I was starting to show if you looked hard enough, i use to be somewhat slim thick now my hips are filling out and my breast have gotten bigger all i wear is sports bras now. I snapped a pic in her bedroom mirror i had on some loose skinny joggers and a loose white t shirt my hair was in a messy bun. She came back into the room and was just looking at me. " Damn ma you look bad in my shit. " she said and winked. Of Course she would like it since she goes for fems and studs. Idk i kinda like it, i feel more comfortable like this.. I did a double take at myself in the mirror then walked over to her bed to where she was sitting at on her phone.
" It's this function going on downtown tonight "
Are you going?
" Yeah we going " i need you to come look good by my side"
In what? And idk if i should be going out with you yet.. I still havent talked to brit.
" She cheated on you the first chance she got"
Yeah because-
" I only exposed her true nature " she said looking at me with a cold face.
Well I need to go get some clothes from the house.
"Bring them all, you staying here now " she said texting on her phone.
And what about This? I said pointing to my stomach.
" what about it?"
Are you gonna be there for me? How do i know you won't do me the same? Did you forget the fact that you fucked my best friend too..
" whoa this isn't a relationship ma, i'm not asking for your hand in marriage "
I rolled my eyes . " soon as i drop and i find this a good family i'll be out of your hair.
" Chill, youn even gotta be like that.  "
Yeah okay well i'm gonna go get some things . i say with a pout.
" Nah ma come here first " she says pulling me close.
She grabs onto my ass and kisses me. I didnt wanna pull away but my phone rang. It was my mom. I answered it by walking to the car.

What's up mommy?
"Hey baby just checking on you, how's the city?"
My face turns red and I bite my tongue to keep myself from crying. Idk what it was but i just wanted to tell her everything and cry.
It's good ma, i've made friends and i start at that news room this fall.
"That's good baby i'll come visit you when i'm not so busy but let me hit you back " she hangs up
Triggered by Jhene Aiko  plays

I pulled up to the house and walked in, the place is a mess and its dishes everywhere . " WHO HERE " I heard Brit say from the room.
I walk back to the room. She stares at me up and down.
" What the fuck you got on and where the fuck have you been?"
I'm wearing what i wanna wear and i've been not getting cheated on. I'm here to get my shit.
"Where are you going? You fucking off with someone?"
None of your concerns I say while packing a suitcase. You looked me dead in my eyes and told me you loved me then went to cheat on me. Idc if it was a trap you fell for it. I'm done i dont even wanna look at you right now. I yell as I grab more things.
" and you went and fucked the one person i told you not to even talk to!"

Oh you mean the person your folks let mom die? THATS fucked up.
" i dont have shit to do with that-" OH AND SHE'S YOUR EX wow you wasn't gonna mention that huh! You full of shit. I yell as i walk out the house.
I got in the car and screamed. Tears started to flow and I jumped because I heard a knock on the door. It was brit. She opened the door and wrapped her arms around me, I grabbed onto her and cried. My heart felt so much lighter , I pulled away and wiped my face. I love you but I'm so mad at you right now I have to go. I said closing my door and starting the car. I drove back to Jordan's house and knocked on the door.
Kingston (The dark skin stud) opened the door.
"What does baby mama do?"
I roll my eyes. She told him already damn. Tell J to come help me real quick with my bags..
"She just stepped out but i gotchu" she said with a smirk walking towards the car.
I pop open the trunk and grab a bag.
" You stay in her room? "
No she texted me saying it was an empty room down the hall-
"OHHHH Breana old room, ok follow me " she says grabbing my things and walking into the house.
I followed her thinking to myself who the fuck was breana.
" This is it, hope you don't mind the furniture she never got around to changing it "
I looked around the room. It was big with its own bathroom. The room had pink and grey decor with small hints of butterflies. It was cute but reminded me of a kids room. "Ima set your things down right here , this all ? a girl like you i'd expect to have a lot more." she joked .
Yeah I plan on heading to the mall now to buy some more drawls. I said rolling my eyes slightly.
" Good cuz i need something to wear tonight so you going like that our?" she said sizing me up.
Uh who said? Nvm yeah im going like this im comfortable why the fuck everyone worried bout wtf i got on -
"Chill ma its just u was just fem now you looking like a nigga " she laughs and walks out the room to across the hall into her room.
I turn around and follow her looking into her room it was blue and orange tones. She had a couch so i went and sat on it and waited for her to come out the closet. She came out with a bape hoodie and some white jeans on and some pink nike slides. " Don't get too comfortable " she said joking at me as i hopped up. "Come on im driving" she said smirking at me.
We walked to the garage and she pressed on her keys and an all white charger lit up. I walked around to the side and opened the door to see the all red leather interior. I didn't know a car could make me wet but this mf had me feeling heartbeats. I got in and she started the car and sped off. Sky walker Miguel plays as we head towards the mall.
*Text chime*
B: When are you coming home?
Me: I'm not.
B: Are you really gonna let this one slip up fuck up what we had
Me: You cheated on me and not only that you refused to tell me the truth. You made this bed.
B: but what about the BB?
Me: wtf do you mean.
B: i want my family i'm not giving up till i get it back.
Me: I'm moving in with Jordan.
"Whats going on? You had this mean ass mug since we got into the car"
Brit.. she is trying to get me to come home. She cheated on me first and withheld the truth from me.
" Let me see, " she says while grabbing my phone. She speeds up and throws it out the window.
"Chill ma we finna upgrade your life real quick"
Im quiet because im trying not to murder this girl as we pull into the parking lot.
You are buying me a phone right mf NEOW i pull her hand into the sprint store.
" Uh yes i'd like to buy the 11 pro.."
"Which GB would you like" the girl asked her with this goofy ass smile. I was so irritated she didnt do shit to me but I was ready to slap that shit off her face.
"Highest one and i want it in gold. Oh and that case to " King points  to a teddy bear case. I rolled my eyes in my head and walked over to the counter. The girl rang us up and she handed me the phone. I snatched it and walked out. The girl looked confused. I was walking towards ICON when King caught up to me. "You welcome" Idk why yo dumb ass did that shit. "Well you got a new number that way you can text her when you want to so u have time to really think about what you want to do without any pressure or distractions'' she said as we walked into the store.

I looked around and finally found a black and red jersey dress with the sides cut out.
I found some black hoops and some more black leggings and some jeans and tanks and headed to check out. I pulled Kingston away from this girls face as i walked out the store. We saw a champion and went in. I saw some sweatshirts and hoodies i got some and i saw some nike shorts, they were mens but they were cute i got some in green, white, pink and red. I saw king Trying on some Jordans she ended up with about 3 pairs of shoes and some joggers. We stood in line and then i heard a loud laugh that sounded familiar. "Quit playin with me for i choke yo ass" I turned around and saw it was Ro with some short girl i couldn't tell who it was she had a natural puff but wasn't facing me. I tried not to make a scene and i checked out and walked out the store to wait on king but the lady forgot to take a sensor off one of my shorts so it set off the alarm and i had to turn around so she can fix it. Ro turned around "Rae?" i turned around Romeo i said with a faint smile. King walks up behind me " You ready?"
Romeo sized her up. "Who is -"
"Ro i want these " the girl hollers out and turns around. Its Coco.
I stand there frozen. I hadn't thought about what id do if i seen her again. She saw kingston and ran over. "KIIIING" she ran to her and hugged her. King just stood there and didn't hug back. I giggled a little, i can tell she didnt fuck with her. "Rae, I uh see you" she said to me looking at me. I almost forgot what i was wearing. "Idk why you dressing like that " she said shrugging her shoulders "We can still see that bump "
My face went hard. And if it wasnt for this bump id bump the FUCK out of your face right now bitch. I say rolling my eyes. "AND that's my cue" romeo says as she turns around.
" So how are things? Britt still keeping you after your little "sex tape" " she said winking.
Actually HOW it's none of your business but if it was I'm staying with JORDAN now. I say to her with a smirk. Her face dropped. " Lets see how long she keeps you" she said bitterly.

My phone rang it was Jordan calling me on IG. I smirked and answers. Hey daddy, i say rolling my eyes and walking away from Coco hoe ass. "Where you at ma?" Im at the mall with kingston. " I called your number and u didnt answer i thought some shit had happen" Yeah you have her to thank i'll explain later but yeah i just gotta get me some more shoes and some stuff from VS and i'll be home. "Get sum red, you know i like red ma and okay i'm about to take a nap i just got home" Ight ill see you later. I hang up and walk into VS. I grab me like 10 pairs of underwear and 3 bras. I had to get a bigger size than normal. I turned around to see king flirting with some employee. I checked out and we decided to go home...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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