Chapter 9

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Brit's POV

I woke up the next day around 3 pm Rachel was still sleep she was wrapped up naked in a blanket, I scoot over and gave her a kiss on the forehead then reached over for my phone. I looked at my notifications I Got a few texts from Bre
B: wya?
B: helllooooo
B: we need to talk
B: I'm about to go back out of town with my folks, when i get back i wanna come see you
B: are you okay????
Brit: Yeah and I'm at home had a lot of work to do.. I'll see about it

I didnt know how to react to what Nani told me, I'd hate both Bre and Kobe if they were fucking off. For now ima just play it cool till i get some more proof.
I get up and go into the bathroom and start the shower, i see our clothes everywhere so i made a mental note to do the laundry when I'm done. I hear the bed creek and Rachel walked into the bathroom, her hair was everywhere and she only had one lash on. After she peed she yawned and finally realized i was in the bathroom , i guess it startled her because she jumped .
" BRIT!!" She yelled at me
Good morning baby I'm about to shower and then straighten the place up. Once I'm done we can go get some breakfast.
Her eyes lit up at the mention of food.
Next thing i knew she was stepping into the shower and looking at me so i followed her.

I first wet our hair and then put some shampoo on mines and hers, some of the lather got on her face so i wiped it off and that's when she went in for a kiss. We just sat under the warm water kissing as our hair rinsed she made her hand down to my clit and started playing with it. Normally i would have stopped a female but i couldn't form the word "stop" only moans escaped from me. I took my hand and placed it on hers and matched her speed. She started moaning and moving around . " fuck yeah daddy" she moaned out and that's when i came hard as hell. I stopped playing and got down and pulled her pussy close to me and started to lick on her clit. I ate her out until i felt her legs shake and she came. We both cleaned off then got out the shower.

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