chapter 7

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"So clearly Adeline did something to make him snap. That's why he's gone violent." Rossi said, his hands folded on his lap while the whole team sat in the hotel conference room, putting together a game plan. "The stressor has to do with Reid. All of his anger is pointed towards him and her." Morgan said and Emily nodded. "Did you guys find a copy of your letter in her apartment?" Spencer looked at Emily in confusion, "Why does that matter?" He questioned.

"If Cooper saw the letter he could've assumed she was cheating on him with you." Hotch explained and Reid nodded in understanding. Everyone was bouncing around theories and drawing together a profile when Spencer's phone started to ring. The caller ID was his Mom's institution. "Excuse me a moment," He said before walking out of the room, leaving the team to continue their work. "Hi Dr. Reid, your Mother was up all night last night and has been pacing all day today. She had been waiting for your friend, Grace, and she didn't come for her monthly visit yesterday. She's requesting to talk to you." Spencer was beyond confused by the woman's words. Who's Grace? Why is this woman visiting his Mom monthly?

"Yeah yeah please put her on the phone." Reid starting to connect the dots, and rushed back into the room with the team. He put his phone on speaker, "Spencer?" Everyone in the room got quiet as Diana spoke. "Yeah Mom I'm here. What's going on?" Hotch looked at Reid with obvious confusion and Reid responded by putting his finger up to him, signaling him to wait a minute. "Adeline didn't come to visit me yesterday. I'm getting worried." Diana sounded paranoid, the team could hear her shuffling around in the background. "You guys have a monthly scheduled visit?" Spencer asked, and Diana sighed, "I wasn't supposed to tell you. That's why she signs in with her middle name."

"That's okay Mom, but she's missing. What day do you guys see each other every month?" He pulled out a note pad, gearing up to write. "She comes on the 12th every month. You remember when you guys met don't you?" Adeline and Spencer met on May 12th, so she had always associated the 12th with him. "Morgan have Garcia check the date on when the neighbor brought Addy to the hospital." Hotch ordered, Morgan nodded, and exited the room to give Garcia a call. "What did you guys talk about the last time you were together?" You could hear Diana breathing into the phone, clearly deep in thought. "Chess, and you. I told her she still loved you." JJ and Emily chuckled lightly at her and Spencer turned a light shade of pink. "Thanks Mom, for everything. We will find her."

He hung up and Morgan entered the room the moment he pressed the button. "She was taken into the hospital on the 13th of last month, and she filed for divorce exactly a week later."

Everyone looked at each other as things started to fall into place. Spencer's heart rate picked up, as it seemed like they had it all figured out. "Okay, so her timeline. She went to see your Mom, got home, and started writing the letter to you last month. Ellis walks in on her writing the letter or finds a scrapped version of it, and flips out. He hits her or grabs her, and considering the abuse she has already endured she wanted out immediately. They get a divorce, and after a month of planning later, he kidnaps her, in overall hope he'll get to meet the man who ruined his marriage in the first place." Emily announces to the group, everyone nodding their heads in agreement.

"So he's clearly a possessive and jealous person, he's not going to take her anywheres he won't have surveillance on her." Hotch explained. Spencer nodded while grabbing his FBI bulletproof vest. "Did Garcia get an address?" He asked while strapping it to himself. "13 Phoenix Lane." Morgan said, while the team walked out of the building.

The entire ride over to Ellis' house Spencer just thought of the worst possible outcomes. He's witness the most hopeful cases go south, how was he supposed to believe this will play out any differently? Then he would have flashes of the good outcomes. She'd be alive and they'd get her out of there and send this psychopath to prison. Spencer had weighed out the probability percentage of good cases to bad in his head. Just when he was about to come to a conclusion, they had pulled up on Ellis' house.

"His car isn't out front." Rossi stated the obvious, as they still moved in on the house. Spencer, Morgan, and JJ approached the front while Hotch, Emily, and Rossi took the back. Morgan kicked down the door and Spencer practically ran past Morgan. They checked the entire house, floor to ceiling, and didn't find trace of Adeline in the apartment. Spencer started to feel like the walls were closing in. "Adeline! Adeline!" He shouted throughout the house, walking to every room again. "Reid we checked every room she's not here." Morgan grabbed Reid's shoulders to stop him from pacing around the house. "No Morgan she has to be here, she- she has to be here." Spencer pleaded, placing his fist on Morgan's chest.

"We will find her Reid. I promise." JJ rubbed small circles into his back, and he dropped his head in defeat.

Will they find her?

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