chapter 1

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It was an inky black night with not a star in the sky, a heavy rain pelted down on all of the structures in Virginia. Dr. Spencer Reid slept in his bed, but tossed and turned as the dreams and nightmares that plucked his brain nightly tormented him. He was sweating profusely and, for the finale of his sporadic movements, he shot up out of bed with wide eyes.

His chest puffed in and out heavily as he tried to catch his breath. The nightmares always seem so real to him, and clearly he couldn't forget them with his eidetic memory.

Almost like it was timed, his phone started to buzz on his nightstand next to him. With his breathing still attempting to calm, he flicked the phone open to the blocked number. "Dr. Reid speaking." He huffed into the phone, confusion now setting in as to who would be calling him at 2:30 in the morning.


His heart slowly rose into his throat as he recognized the all too familiar voice. One that still echoes in his head occasionally. The lump in his throat started to burn. "A-Addy?" He cleared his throat and listened intently.

"Spencey I don't know where I am." The woman on the other side of the phone's voice cracked and she was audibly crying. Her voice sounded odd, like she had been drugged. "What do you mean?" He focused intently on every single word that came through the receiver. He had already planned to write their entire conversation down.

"It's dark, and cold. I think I'm bleeding but I can't see." She whispered, her voice raw. "How're you calling me?" His heart raced. Out of all people, why her? Why did she have to be the one to call him like this. A paranoia spiked in Spencer that he's never felt. "They didn't take my phone. I'm so scared." Her cries muffled through the phone as the connection got staticky. "Ads please stay with me. Is there anything around you that you can see that can help me find you?" He anxiously awaited her answer.

It was silent for what felt like forever, and the last thing she muttered into the phone was, "I love you Spencer."

Tears dared to spill out of his eyes as he heard her muffled cries, and she pleaded, "No let me go please don't touch me!"

The phone went dead, and the deafening beeps of a disconnected call rang through Spencer's dark room. He immediately started to get dressed, grabbed his satchel bag, and rushed out of the door.

Frantically he drove through the heavy rain to the BAU. He called the only person he knew could help him in this moment, "Garcia I-I need you to trace a call for me."

The BAU's tech genius wasn't only extremely confused as to why Reid was calling her at 3 in the morning, but was also extremely worried. "Reid you do know what time it is right?" Penelope searched for her glasses on her night stand so she could clearly see the events unfolding before her. "Garcia please I need you to trace a call for me." Spencer pleaded over the phone frantically.

"Babydoll you're scaring me." Her heart rate picked up. She hoped this wasn't any sort of mental breakdown he was having. "She's going to die, out of all people it could be it can't be her." He mindlessly droned, as he didn't know how to process or cope with the situation. "Reid I'm going to call Morgan to help you with what's going on. Are you headed to the BAU?" She tried to sound as calm and reassuring as possible. "Yes get the whole team there this can't wait we need to find her."

"Alright I'll call them." She hung up with the delusional sounding doctor and immediately called her flirty partner in crime for some back up. "Geez babygirl it's 3 in the morning, are you okay!?" Morgan's deep groggy voice made Penelope melt, "As gorgeous as you sound right now I really need you to get to the BAU."

Derek sat up in his bed and rubbed his tired eyes free of sleep, "Why?" He questioned while already putting on a shirt and his shoes. "I think Reid is having some kind of episode. He asked me to trace a call and said that 'she's going to die'." Morgan sighed and feared the same thing as Penelope, that the kid was having a breakdown. "Alright I'll be there in five, I'll call you when I get him settled down and back in bed." He clasped his phone shut, hanging up on her and rushed to the BAU.

By the time Derek had joined Spencer he was frantically writing on the clear expo board. He was writing their conversation, he wanted to be sure all of it was laid out in front of him so Garcia could trace the call. His mind was running a million miles a minute. He couldn't recall if there was any background noise or anything to help him identify where she was. He just couldn't get the end of the call out of his head.

"No let me go please don't touch me!"

He squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to silent her scream from racking through his brain.

"Hey kid, what're you doing here so early?" Reid jumped at the sound of Morgan's voice and then spun around, "G-Good your here you can help me." He shuffled around some files and pictures, slowly his breath started to hitch and his chest started to tighten. "I-I can't breathe." He inhaled sharply and tried to get the exhale out.

"Reid you need to sit down and tell me what's going on okay?" Morgan pulled up a chair for his colleague and sat him in it, then crouched in front of him like he were a child, "Talking to me will help you calm down."

"Someone took her." His breathing was still quick and rough.

"Took who?" Morgan interrogated

"Addy." Tears started to stream down his tired face. His breathing became normal.

"Who's Addy?"

Spencer stopped the world from spinning for a moment inside of his head, and thought about it. "Who's Addy?" He knew that he had to explain everything. He knew he had to get her back.

Savior (Spencer Reid)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant