chapter 8

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"Look I'm sorry El." A man's voice right by the entrance of the crawl space made Adeline jump. She guessed that the entrance wasn't sound proofed after all. "What are you going to tell Hannah when Addison tells her about the woman in the basement?" She knew that voice, that was the man who retrieved her daily. She didn't put it together that the man in the ski mask with the girl's voice wasn't the same as the one who hurt her until now.

Adeline scooted up to the entrance to listen to their conversation clearer. "I don't know, but I think you should take her somewhere's else." This clearly pissed off the violator, because she could hear him hit something across the room. "You told me I could keep her here as long as I wanted." The violator said through clenched teeth. "Alright, you know what Ellis? Take your ex-wife that you decided to go and kidnap and get the hell out of my house." Heavy footsteps trailed off and the entranceway swung open.

Adeline just stared at the man. She didn't cry, move away, or even flinch. "I'm glad you came to your senses and just stayed closer. Makes everyones lives easier." He huffed and began to unlock the cuffs. She stayed frozen as he lifted her out of the space. He didn't speak or make any gross comments like usual. He knew something must've been going on inside of her head.

He laid her stomach down on the mattress, and slowly pulled her shorts down. She noticed his slow movements and lack of hitting or sexual banter. He knew that she knew.

Adeline heard his belt jingle as he fiddled with it. Suddenly he just stopped. She stayed in her position, afraid to move. Involuntarily, tears slowly dripped from her eyes. "Ellis?" She finally gained the courage to squeak out the name. Adeline prayed it wasn't him. She prayed that she was wrong and she was just imagining the conversation. Her ex-husband couldn't possibly be doing this to her.

The silence was deafening. Adeline's body shook with sobs as she knew his silence just gave the truth away. She flipped herself onto her back and he sat on his knees, with his head down. "Take it off." She sniffled, while pulling her shorts back up. He looked up at her, "Take it off!" She cried out at him. Ellis slipped the ski mask over his head, revealing his face.

Like she was shot in the stomach, she started to gag. With nothing in her system, nothing came out. "Adeline-" Ellis spoke with a solemn tone. "Don't-" she gasped for air as she tried to stop her body from dry heaving. "Why?" This was the only world Adeline could manage to get out. Her whole body was weak, and her soul was more than broken. He just stared her in the eyes, unable to give an explanation. "Is this because of Spen-" She started, and before she could blink his hand was on her throat.

Adeline's mouth stayed agape, as she attempted to breathe. "Don't you dare say that name to me." Ellis' normally crystal blue eyes were dark, like they had turned black. She clawed at his hand around her throat and smacked at his biceps. Finally, he released her, and she gasped and coughed. He started to take deep and heavy breaths while facing away from her. "Ellis?" She croaked, and laid her hand on his shoulder gently.

He spun around and shoved her down on the mattress, grabbing both her wrists with one hand. Fear pumped through Adeline's body as she saw how dark his features had turned. Suddenly, she felt cold metal being dragged up her stomach, the sound of fabric being torn in the process. He cut her shirt clean off of her body with a knife, leaving her chest exposed. "Ellis please." She sounded so small and scared as she pleaded for him to stop. He threw the knife down onto the concrete. "What's the matter? Didn't Spencer touch you like this?" He shoved his hand down her shorts and she cried out, "Please Ellis stop I'll do whatever you want! We can get remarried and have babies just like you wanted remember?" She sobbed out to him and tried her best to look deep into his eyes. He couldn't kill her while she was staring into his eyes. "Thats exactly what I want," He pulled his hand out of her and grabbed the knife, "but we can't do that until he's dead." He hissed at her.

Adeline's heart ached at the thought of Spencer not walking on this Earth anymore. Never being able to see him again, having to tell Diane she was the reason her son was dead. Her chest tightened as she began to panic. In attempts to stop herself from having a full blown panic attack, she took deep, quivering breaths through her tears.

The two both brought their attention towards the stairs, as they heard a mans deep voice shout, "FBI!"

Savior (Spencer Reid)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن