Chapter 6: A Shocking Disappearance

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Marinette POV:

I jerked my head up and looked around the room. The sun came in my still closed and dazed eyes and I covered the light with my hand. I stretched my arms and slowly got out of bed. I could barely fall asleep last night since I couldn't stop thinking about the evil miraculous holder Tikki had found out about.

It was tiring and a little scary just thinking about it. I came to New York to take a little break from the hero life and hang out with my friends, and maybe finally tell Adrien how I truly feel. I guess once you commit to being a hero it's gonna turn into a full time job.

All I wanted to know was whoever the wolf miraculous belonged to and what did they want with it. Tikki had explained the powers of the miraculous. Apparently its like Hawk Moth's miraculous but much more powerful and effective. When you wear the miraculous it's like your the leader of a wolf pack. And when you shoot a beam at someone, they become a part of your pack. The people part of the pack can obtain abilities such as strength, flexibility and speed.

No wonder they locked it up, it was too dangerous to be out in the world. I let Tikki have my phone as she showed me a news report on a museum theft just a couple of days ago. There were reports of 5 dead bodies around the museum along with the stolen item. And the item stolen was none other than the miraculous. I needed to somehow go to the museum so I could investigate the situation.

I got out a white shirt and blue jeans and headed to the elevator with Alya. We were going down to have breakfast but I couldn't take my mind off the new super villain. I was then interrupted by Alya.

"Hey girl, you've been quiet all morning. Is everything alright?"

I looked at her and nodded, but Alya didn't buy it. "I know what this is about." I felt my heart drop, there was no way she knew... right? "Really? What?" I asked.

"Your stressed about hanging out with Adrien, girl don't worry about it! Nino and I got your back! Your gonna be fine and everything will work out." She places a hand in my shoulder and I smiled at her.
"Thanks Alya!" "Anytime girl! Now go and talk to him!"

The elevator door opened and we stepped out. Even though my eyes wandered around for Adrien, I still couldn't get the wolf miraculous thing out of my head. I tried shaking off the thoughts and tried focusing on Adrien... Adrien...Adrien...

"AH!" Just my Ladybug luck! I have bumped into Adrien and here he was holding me up so I wouldn't hit the ground. I stared deep into his green eyes and felt my face heat up.

"Uh... h-hi Adrienette. I mean... Adrien!" I smacked myself in the face and felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey Marinette! You okay?" I nodded as I stood there stunned and lost in thought. I then looked at Alya and she motioned me to ask Adrien.

"Um- so uh... do wanna you... do you wanna... hang pool out. Hang out at the pool?" I groaned in frustration. Why cant I just say what I mean?!?! And why does Adrien seem to not care at all?

"Oh uh I'm sorry Marinette. I was going to hang out with Nino. We're going downstairs to the hotel's ballroom to do some DJ stuff. But you can come if you want!" I smiled, "No sorry I'm just gonna talk to Santa... UGH I MEAN ALYA for the next hour or so." Adrien raised an eyebrow and shrugged, "Ok? See you later then." I watched in pain as he walked away with Nino to the breakfast café.

"Girl why did you say no?" I looked at Alya and gave her a hug. "Why can't I just talk to him like a normal person? Now he probably thinks I'm lame." "He doesn't think your lame! He just wishes you were more confident around him." I looked up at Alya. "For real?" She shrugged, "That's what Nino told me. Speaking of Nino I should probably talk to him about taking your man away from you." I rolled eyes playfully and went over to the café to grab something to eat.

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