Chapter 24

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We pull up to Marleys house. I instruct Madison to stay in the car and assure him I'll be fast. Marley didn't call me all day or return my calls when he didn't answer I just let him know our brother was dead on voicemail which I know he received. Him not calling is giving me more reason to believe that he is the one responsible for Rayquan's death. It's not too far fetch he's already a rat it wouldn't take nothing out of him to be a snake as well. He been acting weird anyway. He doesn't even leave the house much since I gave him my hard earned money to get him out that jam with Pooh. Fuck him and Pooh ,fuck everybody, I think to myself as I approach the front door. I put my key in the door and walk in to him having dinner with Tia. "Hey" I say. "I've called you and left you messages" I say. "I just didn't know what to say or think I needed time to adjust" Marley replies to me. "You fuckin snake." I say walking around the kitchen island in a circle. "I was gona tell you I killed her I swear" he responds with his voice cracking. "Huh" I say confused scratching my forehead with my gun. Tia starts trying to inch off. I laugh. "Bitch if you move again I'm going to put a Bullet right between your eyes, SIT" I scream. Marley moves close to her. Sis please don't do this. I had to kill Carla she came here and told Tia everything and I had to get her out the way. My vision starts to blur. Idk how much more heartache I can take. "Where'd you put her body?" I ask calmly. "She's in the backyard I even put flowe-" before he finished his sentence I shoot 6 times I gave him everything I had left in my clip. He doesn't deserve to speak. Madison rushes through the door and stops in his tracks right behind me. I look at him "it's what needed to be done, wait in the car I'm almost finished" I say planting a kiss on his cheek. Tia drops to the floor and cradles him. "Please let me live for my child" she begs. "You were here when he killed her, you were probably there when he killed my brother, shit I wouldn't put it past you if you was there when he ratted on our mother" I say reloading my gun slowly and laughing. "You're wrong about Rayquan he didn't kill him" she stands up and continues "It wasn't him it was-".. I shoot her in the face 3 times. I don't wana hear another word from this bitch. I walk out and on my way to the back door I see a picture of my niece on the wall. I kiss her picture "I'm sorry for you baby Marli" and continued to the backyard. I see a pink flower and assume that's where my bestfriend is buried I sit down and look at the spot and sob. Bestfriend this is all so messy I miss you I can't believe any of this I say and kiss the dirt. And walk to the car to go home with my man, the only person I have left other than my mother. What Kyrii almost caught wind of before shooting Carla was the confession that she was about to give to reveal the killer. What no one knew was Carla was fuckin Kareem for 6 years. She knew Kareem was the one who killed Rayquan, she knew Madison made the order.

I walk in the house and catch Kyrii in the middle of... as I'm walking out I hear her say "you were probably there when he killed my brother" I sit in my car and wait for her. I can't believe I'm in love with a gangsta. I can't believe I was the one who made the call to get her brother killed and I can't believe she think her other brother did it. I shake my head in disbelief. Kyrii walks to the car and we embrace. "I love you" I tell her and we go home.

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