A relationship with God changes everything

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During my growing-up years, my mom and dad were serious about God. They took us to church. I went along, and I probably called myself a Christian, but God was always just kind of there. I didn't long to know Him more, and I didn't want to live for Him. Thankfully, I got plugged into a great church youth ministry.

At some point, we all doubt God. I was out to see if this God is real. If He is who the Bible says He is, my life would change and be better as a result of following Him. I learned that I can love Jesus while being myself; I could smile and laugh and be goofy and still follow Jesus. After surrendering my all to God, I quickly experienced His peace and joy. It didn't make sense, but I felt content knowing He is in control and that He is who He says He is. When I'm closest to God, joy and peace overwhelm me. When I forget to spend time with God and let the world consume me, I become more easily agitated, angry, and less joyful.

Before I met Mía, I had posted a writing about my expectations for the girl I wanted to fall in love with someday. First, she had to love Jesus and want to live for Him. I also wanted someone fun and funny and everything else that I later found in Mía. Her fire for God makes me want more of Him too. I can see how good and perfect and loving God truly is by seeing the love of my life transformed right before my eyes. We know our relationship won't be perfect, but we are putting everything in the hands of the One who is perfect and trusting that.

I had thought I had a great Christian family; we went to church together nearly every Sunday. After my father left us my mom married my stepdad he had seemed like such a godly man. But then I found out he cheated on my mom and they were getting divorced. My whole childhood felt like a lie. Later, I met this "great guy"—someone I really loved and had given myself to. So when I found out he was cheating on me, I felt doubly betrayed. I started to give up on guys—and God. By the time I met Gadiel, the wrong guy at the wrong time, I hardly ever went to church anymore. We slept together, and within months we broke up. Then I found out I was pregnant. Gadiel and I never had a healthy relationship after Lea was born. I began to feel ugly and worse than worthless like no one else would ever want to be with me because I had a kid. I begged God to bring me a guy who'd love and respect me and love Lea like his own.

When I first met Liam, I realized that he wasn't like other guys I knew. He would just be himself. He talked about God, not in a forced or preachy way, and when he prayed it was like talking to a friend. When I told Liam that I had Lea, his response told me I could be myself with him—he brought out the best in me. And that's how a relationship should be. This was the beginning of a fresh work that God was doing in my life to bring me back to Him. He used Liam to draw me back, but God was just getting started.

• What church experiences did you have growing up?
• Who in your life encourages you the most in your relationship with God?
• What kind of relationship do you want to have with God? Who can help you learn about growing closer to God?

Verse of the day:

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!

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