"Thank you for breakfast and for last night," he states but I could see his cheeks begin to heat up, as he was blushing. "Would you consider going on a date with me, sometime?" Parrish was kind of nervous to ask this question to me.

"I would love too," I announced straight away as I didn't want to waste my time thinking. I smiled at him widely as he comes forwards and places a sweet kiss onto my lips. Though it only lasted a moment, he pulled away, offering a small before turning around and opening the front door. I came to the door once he was down the pathway, as he enters the police car and begins to drive out of my drive and back onto the road...


I had showered and dressed for the school day

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I had showered and dressed for the school day. Though the day seemed to go pretty fast, I had a smile on my face the whole day and I was genuinely happy for once. Until, Scott had told me that everyone at the party was marked for the Wild Hunt and that we're going to be taken. Also, Lydia requested Scott, Malia, and I as she had found something that would interest us all.

"It's a relic," Lydia begins, as she shows us a library card, belonging to someone called Jack Sullivan, but we had no idea who he was.

"What's a relic?" Malia asks from the left side of me.

"An object with a fixed association to the past. Jake's ID was left behind after he was taken," Lydia explained her eyes flickering between us. "And Gwen found her sister's bracelet on her bedroom floor," Lydia also gave us an example as Gwen found her sister's bracelet.

"How can someone be erased, and still leave something behind?" Malia questions, as she didn't understand any of this.

"A conservation of mass... A total mass of any isolated system remains constant," Lydia explained to us, as this wasn't our area.

"So, even the Ghost Riders have a weakness," Scott pipes into the conversation.

"A relic would be proof that Stiles existed," I state to the group, as Malia grabs the ID from Lydia.

"And maybe we can bring him back," Scott states as that would be a total plus for this right now.

"For now, I'll try to find something in my Grimoire. See if there's any spells that can bring our memories back? Might help," I told them as the trio nodded their heads to me. We all went our separate ways, as we all had a mission to do...


Time passed I had went home for my Grimoire and came back to the library to see if I could find a memory spell that would be effective to us all. To everyone who had lost their memory of someone important in their lives, a family member or a best friend. We need those memories back, it's all we have...

I sat in the library flicking through my Grimoire hoping to find a spell that would be useful, but I was having no luck. I might need an older Grimoire to achieve what I need. Suddenly, thunder and lightening crackled through the air, making me look up from the the crisp page. The library was empty as everyone was the the lacrosse game. Scott had updated me on what they did, they got the teenagers into Argent's bunker, but someone of them didn't show as they didn't believe it. And a few of them are on the lacrosse team. So, Liam and Scott had to play to ensure their safety. Rain began to pour from the heavens, the water splash off the roof and the windows as I could hear them loud and clear.

Suddenly, the doors to the library burst open with the wind, as leaves entered the way. I could also hear spurs ringing, which meant only one thing. My eyes widen, as I've heard that sound before. I slowly rose from my seat as a Ghost Rider came into view. The Rider was heavy footed as he comes further into the room, his gun drawn, ready to shoot. The Ghost Rider stops a meter in front of me, as he was staring right at me.

"What do you want?!" I shout over to him, but he didn't speak a word. He raised his revolver up and pointed it straight at me, ready to shoot. "Motus," I waved my hand to the left, as the gun came flying out of his hand. Which was a good sign. But it didn't stop the Rider from advancing forward. I quickly lean over and flip through my Grimoire to find a banishing spell or something to send him away. Within seconds, I'd found a spell that might work. "Phasmatos tribum nos ex viris. Purgo animum suo pura obscurus," I read from the book as my eyes flickered up to meet the Ghost Rider. The Rider abruptly stops in his tracks, and flames began to produce off of him. But these flames were green, like the green smoke they take you with. Within seconds, the Rider was covered in green flames before combusting in a poof of green smoke and the flames went with him. But no one was stood there, meaning that I had sent him away, not killed him. But it was a start...

I quickly slammed my Grimoire shut, picking it up in my hand before I pushed off from my legs, going into vamp-speed and out of the library and through the school hallway. But as I ran I caught Parrish's scent, meaning he was in the school. I followed the scent and came to a hallway, and halting at the left side of Mason.

"Stay back," Parrish states strongly, but he didn't notice I was there.

"Can someone please tell me what's he doing," I asked, cocking my gaze to the right to see Mason and Hayden jump slightly, finally noticing I was there. Before they could get a word in, Parrish began to glow, as his deputy outfit caught fire and started to burn. He stalks down the hallway, as his body was covered in flames and the outfit came to ashes. Once half-way down the hallway, Parrish roars loudly, at the Ghost Rider, which he did a few times. But he begins to rush towards the Rider, but he aims his gun and suddenly shoots at Parrish. The bullet shot out, and it hits Parrish, but his flames turned green and began to diminish like the oxygen was being sucked out. Parrish kneels to the ground, groaning slightly as his flames were gone.

"Phasmatos tribum nos ex viris-" I began to chant, as flames began to grow off the Rider, but suddenly lightening shot through the roof, and he used the lightening to ride out of the school. Leaving my spell ineffective on the Rider. I didn't waste anytime and ran to Parrish who was still kneeling on the ground. "Are you ok?" I crouched in front of him, my free hand latching on his arm to keep him steady. But he was breathing heavily, after what happened. I turn my head over to the end of the hallway, to see the leaves still gathered there.

At least we had something that could potentially slow them down...

The Forgotten 🐺जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें