"And you know once you have seek repentance, you have turned to Allah, then there's a reward for you in this dunya and in the hereafter as well....

There is another verse in Quran in Surah fussilat that says..

Indeed, those who have said, "Our Lord is Allah " and then remained on a right course - the angels will descend upon them, [saying], "Do not fear and do not grieve but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised."

Dear brothers, now is the time to seek Allah's forgiveness his doors to mercy have been opened since you weren't even born, so step ahead and seek his mercy, he is giving away his mercy to his believers and non believers as well, but seek it while being a believer cause believers have been promised of so much more!" Rehaab felt every part of speech falling on him, drenching him in the rain of fulfillment of the hollow of his heart and soul....

He thought as if the scholar wasn't telling it to the crowd of hundreds, but he was only preaching him, it was all meant for him only.

After it ended Rehaab had a few questions in his mind but the scholar was surrounded by so many people he knew it'd take alot of time to reach him. But he had to talk to him.

"Assalamualaikum beta, sit" the man welcomed him humbly.

"Walaikum as salam, I have a few questions"

"Yes, go ahead, may Allah help me to answer them righteously"

"You said today that forgiveness is given to each and every person"

"Yeah even to the mushrik (the one who does shirk, the one who ascribes partners with Allah), if he asks for it with his heart sincerely"

"But what about the person who had never done a good deed, not once in his life? Who had always committed things that are prohibited in Islam, who had done nasty things, who had brutalised people, though not innocent ones but..."

The scholar smiled then he spoke with such gentleness that it tore Rehaab's heart and entered it.

"You know what? "“Allah forgave a prostitute (from the Children of Israel) because she saw a dog panting near a well.

Seeing that thirst had nearly killed him, she took off her shoe, tied it to her scarf, and drew up some water (for the dog). Allah forgave her for that.” [Al-Bukhari, Muslim]"

So compared to her, and remember there ain't any mention of her seeking forgiveness, so just imagine, if a person just do such a little good thing he is forgiven by Allah, then how about the man, who would ask forgiveness will he not be forgiven? Is it even possible? And those verses I had mentioned even before. You know when non-muslims enter Islam they get purified by Allah's mercy, they become like a new born child with no sins at all, that's how big His forgiveness is! That you are becoming a Muslim (acceptor of oneness of Allah and with all the beliefs) in your late 70s but His mercy is making you like a new born baby, with all your sins wiped and washed even if they were the amount of the foam of the sea well there is another hadees that being a Muslim if you recite Subhan Allahi wabihamdihi 100 times in a day it'll wipe off all your sins even if they're equal to the amount of the foam of the sea! So don't despair..."

Just like a wave had come and wiped off all the dark thoughts from his mind with just one blow.... It wasn't one wave though, there had been many waves, rumpled in love by which he was hit hard in his heart each following up by the other one. He felt as if he had been floating on the river a small river until yet, but now the waves of the sea, of the might, of something powerful than the sea waves had him drowning in them completely, gulping in the dark from him and then with the flushing light, an effect, a birth has taken place.... He couldn't recognize the person, who hadn't met her... The Rehaab Ahmed from before...
Who was he?
Where he was being leaded to?
What was he doing?
Where was she?...

Last question made him jump on his feet, for the first time, Rehaab Ahmed was left with unanswered questions, the man who always had answers, but who kept 'em all to himself was brimful with questions now... For the first time he didn't know what was going to come up next, but he knew she would be there no matter what! He knew she would come there and so he was late, he was too late... He immediately bid Allah hafiz to the Maulana... Grabbed his keys... Sat in the car that he had just bought... He was ready to face her now... But he wasn't sure if she was too...

Extremely sorry for such a late post, been terribly sick,
Anddddd all the new followers and voters are welcomed, thank you guys for loving it... Keep voting/commenting...

Love y'all so much.

Be lated happy Ramadan!

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