21. Five Years

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Zia's POV

I feel an energy surge and gasp. What the fuck is happening , groaning I open my eyes and sit up. Hmm.... Didn't know that dying brings to to such a dull looking place. The door to the right of me opens , a little boy steps through it and quietly shuts the door. He doesn't look more than five or six years old , in his hand is a glass of blood. A gasp escape me as he turns around , one gold eye and one blue eye. Tyler? This is confusing , my child died or this is an illusion. Who's next? Rose?

"Mama , you're finally awake. Here drinking this , you'll feel better." The boy gives me the cup and I drink it in one gulp. Damn , didn't mean to look like a savage. I didn't get a chance to ask any questions before the boy puts his hand on my cheek. Images of me holding Tyler flash through my mind before I pull away. "How long?" The boy sighs like an old man with the world on his shoulders. "Five years , you've been asleep for five years." Asleep? I'm supposed to be dead. Don't tell me that Rose succeeded in whatever spell she was trying to do when I drank her blood. "Where are we?" He didn't get to answer as the door opened , "Tyler Black. I told you to stop disturbing your... Goodness. She's awake. Quick get The High Witch."

Of course he looked like Pierce , but this was hard to believe that I was alive. When I started to drink Rose's blood , my pain was gone so I thought that's what it was for. Never did I think that it was to cute the poison. "You look like your father." Tyler turned to me and smiled. "Really? The witches here say I look more like you and behave like Aunty Rose." Rose , is she also here. Does she know that she succeeded? "Where is Rose?" The door opened , "Queen Rose is recuperating right now." And older woman stepped through the door , "what happened?" The woman ushered Tyler out of the room and he went quietly , something about lessons. "You don't seem to remember me Ziani." The woman spoke again and the voice sounded familiar. "Maxine? Jesus , what happened to you?" She chuckled. "The prophecy is what happened. It wasn't about you after all , it was about Rose. Still your twenty-fifth birthday has yet to pass when you both died." Rose died? I'm so confused right now. "Niasha Rose being alive sped up the prophecy , not that its a bad thing however repercussions have been given out. The fact that you two are still alive is soley because of spell Rose casted on herself. The Ice Crystal posion. Now I don't know the details but it has something to do with that."

"Where is she?" Maxine sighed , "she's asleep. Three weeks ago she woke up but still wasn't strong enough so she went back to sleep and woke up again three days ago." I nod but had the feeling she was intentionally hiding something from me. "How did you get Pierce to let Tyler come here. My mate isn't an easy one to negotiate with." Maxine smirked , "We didn't." She didn't need to say more , I guessed what she did. "Dinner will be brought to you in a couple hours. You can sleep till then." Maxine left the room and I sighed. This woman saved me twice in my lifetime all for a prophecy that turned out to not be entirely mine in the first place. Witches and their prophecies never cease to amaze me.

Its been three months since I woke up , right now I'm giving Rose a bath and massaging her limbs. After putting on clothes on her , I sigh. Touching her cheek I sigh once again , "wake up already Rose." Green eyes stare at me , Rose's bright green eyes were now foggy. "Your green eyes look so foggy." She reaches out to touch my face and I chuckled. "Stop being so dramatic , its really me." I pull her into a hug , seeing her in such a state is definitely a first for me. Rose always remained strong even in her weakest moments. The door opened and  Marya stepped in the room behind Maxine. "Good. You gave me a heart attack when you collapsed three months ago." I chuckled as she immediately asks for Tyler , even though my son and I have a bond of mother and son its as if my bond means nothing to him when it comes to Rose. I don't mind even after all she did for me growing up, repaying her will take more than one lifetime. "How long have you been up?" Rose asks me but I take a while to answer still wondering why she's not looking directly at me , I smile and smooth down the piece of hair that got out of place. "Three months."

"How do you feel? Maxine told me what happened." Rose smirks and says something about dying on impulse I punch her shoulder "Idiot." She winced in pain but it went away as fast as it came , "being blind isn't that bad. I mean...." Blind? No one told me that she's blind.  "What? You're blind? The fuck did that happen?" With haste , I reach the door and open it. "They have nothing to do with it Zi." I growl , not their fault? Whose fault was it then. The fuck does that mean? "Whose fault is then?" She stays silent , knowing she didn't want me get angrier.  "Hey , calm down. Although you're completely healed , it doesn't mean you go picking fights with people that helped us." Growling and huffing , I sit on the bed next to her.

I was more than ready to get back to the pack. Its been three months since I've woken up but five years have past. Even though my son has grown up safe , his father hasn't seen him. I didn't even see him grow up. Two days later is Rose's birthday but its the day that we go back to the pack.

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