16. Say It Again?!

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Zia's POV

We walk into the living room behind her , our mates sat there quiet watching us as we approached. "I should've given you the heads up but...." White eyes started off but with a quick glare from Marissa he shut up. Looks like momma is strict with this one. "It's to my understanding that.." I cut her off , "We killed your sons. Yes we know." White eyes stood up , "You both knew?" I shrugged. "Of course we knew. We knew from the moment we came back from that shit hole." Rose said calmly. Marissa's eye twitches , "Ziani , you could've said something to me." I nod , "She was going to. Matter of fact she stopped me from killing you. Good thing too ,  cause then we put two and two together when we saw who your mate was." Rose says before I could answer.

"Why wait this long to say or do anything." Rose smirks while looking at Marissa. "We actually had lives to save. Stopping people from becoming victims like we were , ending up here was already pre agreed two years ago." Today is the day that our mates finally see why we are called Joker and Venom. The way Pierce is looking at me right now , I don't know how I feel about it. "I'm not mad. I understand why you killed them. Rose , just be good to my son okay?" Rose cracks a small smile and nods. Marissa looks at me and smiles for the second time in my life I give her one back.

"We need to talk about what happened last night." White eyes said while looking at us. I scoff , Pierce glared at me. "Stop with the attitude Zi , we need to talk about it." I roll my eyes , "We don't need to tell you anything right now. So back off." Getting up I walk past them out the door , "where you going?" shrugging I turn to her. "Nowhere if I have something to say about it." Pierce and White Eyes came walking out after us. "I don't care if you need time to talk to us about it. We need to now." At this point I just explode.

"IM AT MY END WITH YOU FUCKERS. IF WE NEED TIME WE NEED TIME , GIVE US SOME FUCKING SPACE SO THAT WE CAN COLLECT OUR FUCKING SELVES TO TELL YOU. WE WERE STARVED AND RAPED AND BEATEN. We had to drink our own fucking pee , do you know how disgusting that is? WE HAD TO EAT EACH OTHERS SHIT. WE ATE ONCE FOR THOSE THREE WEEKS. So much torture we went through and we survived. Now it's finally over , so please cut us some slack. SO STOP BEING STUPID MOTHERFUCKING BITCHES AND WAIT!!!!!"

Storming off I run into Amon , "hey babysis , I was thinking that we could... What's wrong?" I breakdown , Amon wrapped his arms around me rubbing my back. He walked my up to his room and sat me on the bed. "I would ask what's wrong but I don't think you want to hear that." Laughing I burst back into tears. Half an hour later I lay down on the bed , Amon got up "You want dinner?" I didn't have the energy to answer so I just curled up into a ball. He sighed and rubbed my hand , "I'll bring you something." He says before leaving.

Soon after Rose came in the room , she said nothing at first. She laid down next to me and wrap her arm around me to touch my stomach. "Why not tell him that your pregnant?" I stilled before relaxing and turning. Nothing was hidden from Rose , not that I wanted to hide something from her. She smiled at me before rubbing my stomach , "more nieces and nephews for me to train." I laugh a bit , of course that's what she's so joyful. "You need to get something in your stomach though. So get up wash your face and let's go to dinner."  Sighing I get up and stretch before washing my face in the bathroom.

Dishes were just served as we got there. Rose and I sat on the opposite side of the table , far away from our mates. Jax realized but said nothing , so did Tia but she had to open her big mouth. "Trouble in paradise?" The glare Jax sent her way she ignored. "What? The were oh so happy last night from killing The King's brothers who allegedly raped them. Let's be real girls. We all know you two slept around with countless people , now you want to scream rape? Rose came back fine that year that this supposedly happened." The grip I had on Rose was the only reason she talked so much shit. The room fell quiet as Mama got up from her seat and calmly walked to where Tia sat. Tia flinched , Mama put a hand to her throat and suddenly tore her voice box out. Blood went everywhere , Tiara started screaming panicking before the wound started to heal.

She should be lucky if wasn't Rose instead , I didn't see it at first but when Jax moved his hand I realized that he had a stronger grip on Tamina , Rose's mother. Dinner wasn't over when we left but I was finished. Amon caught up to us , "Mom went back this evening and I'm taking the next flight back. Are you coming with me?" Shaking my head I sigh , "Take Erin with you , I know for a fact that Disani's mate is a red dragon. She'll learn a couple things from him." He nods and walks back inside the dining room. Rose and I teleport to her room. She starts packing , "Where are you going?" She didn't answer but she didn't stop. I sit down on the bed and wait for her to finish. The only thing she's packing is her weapons , no clothes.

When she was finished , she can't a spell teleporting them to a location. "Do you want to write a letter or anything before we go?" I shook my head. She nods and grabs my hand , we teleport in a house and I shiver. "It's fucking cold out here." Rose chuckles and puts a big fur coat around me. Normally I wouldn't feel cold enough to shiver but it's not me by myself anymore. Considering that I drank infertility potions a lot it was a shock but then it really wasn't I didn't take any since I met Pierce. How to explain to him that his mate is a like a praying mantis , fucks then kills them.  The amount of people I fucked can be counted on one hand , liking to keep my feelings private everyone believe I was a fuck girl. Whore seems as little too much.

This pregnancy could have complications and when it came down to the decision of choosing me over the baby , Pierce would choose me. There was no doubt about it. "Does the group know that we are here?" I ask Rose as she comes to me with a mug of hot chocolate. "No. Only Mama , nothing is hidden from her. Maybe that's where I get my talent from." I laugh , "I'm glad you figured that out by yourself." She glares at me playfully.  "They probably know that we're gone by now." Rose shrugged. "We may be a bit much being so isolated from the rest of the world but it's peace and quiet that's needed right now."

The Prophecy (BOOK TWO OF QUEEN SERIES)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang