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Jayda's POV

Later that week, Dad organised a Serpent party of some sorts. I was standing with Sweet Pea, Fangs and Jughead, and we were talking. Fangs couldn't stop looking at me on my crutches.

"What is it, Fangs?" I asked him.

"I still can't believe you took that bullet for me." Fangs answered. The look on his face was a bit sad, and a bit glad. I know Fangs would never have dealt with getting shot.

He was too much of a wuss.

"We've been over this, Fangs." I sighed, but smiled all the same.

"Listen up now! Alright listen up!" Dad yelled over the chattering crowd. Someone turned the music off, and the microphone on the stage turned on.

"Some 60 years ago, the very first Serpent meeting took place on these same riverbanks." Dad began. "Now, it makes sense that this is where we gather now, where I-- Where I say my goodbye. Jayda, would you step up here, kid?"

"Can you hold these?" I asked Sweet Pea, and he took my crutches. It took a minute, but I walked up to the stage. And, Dad put his arm around me, holding me upright.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I asked him, quietly.

"What I should have done a long time ago." He replied, quietly to me. Then, he addressed everyone. "I'm retiring from the Serpents. For real this time."

The Serpents let out collective groans.

"Whoa. Now my girl... My daughter has never stopped fighting for this crew." Dad announced. "Hell, she even died taking a bullet for one of us. That's why I'm giving you the mantle."

The crowd all began to cheer for me, and I smiled over at everyone. And my Dad. I think everyone knew that this was going to happen sometime. 

"And now, as your first official duty as Serpent Queen..." Dad announced, and gestured over to Toni. She pulled out a red Serpent jacket from her bag, and handed it to Dad, and I immediately knew who this was for.

"I think you know what to do with this." Dad said to me. "Take it." As I took the jacket, everyone began to cheer for me again. Dad stepped down from the stage, leaving me there.

"All right. All right." I calmed the Serpents down. "All I can say is, I love you Dad. And the Serpents will not die out. Not on my watch." I glanced over at Jughead, who was smiling intently at me.

"Also, one more thing. As Serpent Queen, I would like to name Jughead, as my second in command." I announced. I smiled as a wave of shock crept over Jughead's face.

I then looked over at Cheryl, and held an arm out towards her. She took her jacket off, before joining me on the stage. 

The Serpents were still cheering as I helped Cheryl put her jacket on. She stood next to me, and I put my arm around her.

"You're one of us now, Cherry." I said to her. She smiled at me.

"I guess I am." She responded. She then went over to Toni, and Toni gave her a kiss in congratulations.

I got off the stage, and Sweet Pea met me, holding my crutches.

"Thank you." I said, and put the crutches under my arms. He smiled widely at me, and I smiled back.

"How does it feel? Dating the Queen of the Serpents?" I asked him.

"Pretty amazing. It makes me love you even more, if that's even possible." Sweet Pea answered. "And, if anyone deserved Serpent Queen, it's you." I blushed, and kissed him. His hand moved to the side of my face, as we deepened the kiss.

"I love third-wheeling, you know." Fangs commented. We both turned to him.

"Then we need to set you up with someone." I replied.

"Like anyone would go out with that guy." Sweet Pea muttered. I hit his arm.

"That's very rude." I responded. I left them talking, and went over to where Jughead was sitting.

"Hey, Jug." I greeted, and smiled. He stood up, and hugged me.

"Why did you name me your second-in-command?" Jughead asked me.

"Because, you deserve it. And, I love you, bro." I replied, and he hugged me again. "Plus, I get to boss you around." He laughed, but didn't release me from the hug. I love my brother.


My dad had allowed Sweet Pea to stay with us, as he didn't have anywhere to live at the moment, until we find a living situation for all of the Serpents.

Sweet Pea and I were sitting on my bed, with the door open, obviously. I had my head in his lap, and he was brushing his fingers through my hair.

"What are we going to do this summer?" I asked him.

"I don't know. As long as I can spend time with you." He replied.

"You're so cheesy." I laughed at him.

"But you love me." He insisted.

"I do love you." I agreed, and kissed him. "Do you want to watch random shows on Netflix?"

"Sure, why not." Sweet Pea nodded. We stuck a tv show on my laptop, and watched TV, until we fell asleep in each others arms.

This was a new beginning. I was Serpent Queen. The Black Hood had been caught, and arrested. There was no more terrible things happening to us. But, this was Riverdale, and something bad was bound to happen to us.

Because, it always does. 

A/N We have one chapter left, and it will be a short one, as I don't have many other ideas of what I could do.

I hope you've enjoyed Born Crazy! I didn't expect this much attention on this book. I'm planning on continuing the story Jayda Jones, into Season Three.

Exploring her as the Serpent Queen, and the problems with Archie going to jail, and all that. 

I really hope you liked my book. While you're waiting for Season Three, you should check out my other books. 

South Of The Border || Cheryl Blossom,

Dynasty || Betty Cooper and

I Scream In Your Arms || Sweet Pea.

Born Crazy || Sweet Pea [1] [COMPLETED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum