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Jayda's POV

The next day, as Jughead went off at Archie on the phone, for slashing our tires, and setting a dumpster of fire at the Wyrm, I was waiting for Attorney McCoy.

"Jughead. Jayda." McCoy said, as she came round the corner.

"Attorney McCoy." Jughead greeted.

"Where is he?" She asked. We led her into the sheriff's office, and to where Fangs was.

"Don't say another word." McCoy demanded, as we opened the door to the questioning room. "I will be representing Mr. Fogarty from here on out, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop harassing my client."

Fangs was taken out of the room, and locked into a cell. 

"You are being held because you were in possession of a weapon on school property." McCoy explained to Fangs.

"My switchblade is for protection." Fangs argued with her.

"Yes, well." She agreed. "They have 24 hours to make something stick. In the meantime, you exercise your right to remain, the hell, silent."

"You're such an idiot, you should've hid it a lot better." I smirked. "Like I do..." McCoy sent me a look. 

"I don't have a knife on me... what?" I tried to hide it, making Fangs laugh. We sat at either side of the bars, talking.

I spotted our initials carved into the wall. I smiled at the memory.

"Do you remember when we first got arrested?" I asked Fangs. "For 'accidentally' setting the middle school on fire?"

"Yes, I do remember." Fangs laughed. "It was fun, apart from when we had to stay in the cells for ages."

It was funny, I guess. Fangs and I, along with Toni and Sweet Pea, set the chemistry lab on fire when we playing with matches. We were all only 12 at the time, and it was the first time any of us had gotten arrested.

Sweet Pea and Toni got bailed out before me and Fangs. So, Fangs and I decided to carve out initials into the wall. 

But then, Fangs' mom picked him up, and I was left. Because, at that point, Dad was drinking, and Mom was on the brink of leaving with Jellybean. And, I think, me getting arrested, was something that set her into leaving.

She did pick me up, a day later than everyone else. 

The next time we all got arrested, Fangs and I showed Toni and Sweet Pea where we'd carved our initials, and they got jealous. So, they carved theirs underneath.


I stayed with Fangs the entire day, only leaving for food. Jughead sometimes joined in our conversations, but spent most of the time on the phone.

"I just got off the phone with Betty." Jughead announced. "Apparently, the Black Hood just turned the town hall into his own shooting gallery, while Fangs was right here. So, why are the sheriffs still holding him?"

"'Cause they're dickheads." I muttered, so only Fangs could hear me. He laughed.

"What happened tonight, and what happened to Midge are being treated as separate incidents." Attorney McCoy explained, then turned to Fangs. "But, if the sheriff doesn't press charges in the next hour, he has to let you go. There are a lot of protestors outside, Jughead. His release is going to make a lot of people in this town very unhappy." 

Jughead and I decided to go home for a bit, and talk to Dad.

"Dad, we just got back from the station." Jughead explained. "Fangs is getting out tonight." Dad was packing a bag, and there was someone else in the room.

"Joaquin!" I exclaimed, and threw my arms around him. We were best friends before he left, I was so excited to see him. "What are you doing here?"

"I called him." Dad explained. "He's going to help Fangs disappear." Dad handed him the bag.

"I can sneak him out to San Junipero." Joaquin told us. "I got a place there."

"You can't take Fangs away!" I shouted, annoyed.

"Maybe." Jughead argued. "But first we've got to get him out of that sheriff's station in one piece. There's an angry mob outside with pitchforks, and they're yelling for his head."

We left Joaquin in the trailer, and headed down to the sheriff's station. We barely managed to get inside the building, with all the people outside.

Fangs had been let out, and we were all waiting inside, because we couldn't get him out.

"We can't take Fangs out the front. We have to take the side entrance." I told Sheriff Minetta.

"Crowd's out there too." Sheriff Minetta replied with a smirk. "So pick your poison, Serpent."

"What do we do?" Sweet Pea asked me, worried for Fangs, as we all were.

"I don't wanna die." Fangs added. I turned, to see Fangs with tears in his eyes.

"Hey. You're not going to." I told him, and put my hands on the sides of his face. "Look at me, okay?" Fangs nodded, trying to hold back sobs.

I looked between my boyfriend, my brother, and my best friends.

"We stand together, so none of us falls." Jughead insisted. "In unity, there is strength." We pulled each other into the huddle.

"In unity, there is strength." We repeated back to him.

We surrounded Fangs, and we walked through the crowd. Jughead was in front of Fangs, and I was behind. Older Serpents were in front, and around, pushing everyone out of the way.

We could hear Fangs' cries as we walked through, as everyone was yelling for his head. I felt so sorry for him.

Then, I saw Reggie Mantle coming towards Fangs, and I knew he was going to do something stupid. I then saw something silver in his pocket. A gun.

But, then I saw someone in the distance. Midge's mom. Also with a gun. I'm pretty sure no one else noticed.

But then, as Reggie was tackled to the ground, we all turned to look at him. But, no one was protecting Fangs anymore, and I knew Mrs. Klump was going to take her shot.

"Fangs! Look out!" I shouted. I ran in front of Fangs, and pushed him away.

Then, a gunshot rang out, and screams echoed the streets. All the Serpents were looking at each other, making sure everyone was alright.

But not me, I was frozen in time. I looked down, and noticed that I had been shot in the stomach. I fell backwards, and Jughead and Fangs caught me.

"Why would you do that?" Fangs asked me.

"Because, I love you, Fangs." I replied. I was eased to the floor. Then, Sweet Pea saw me. I could see the tears in his eyes as he rushed to my side.

"No, no, no. You can't leave me again." Sweet Pea rambled. Everyone gathered around me, and put pressure on the wound.

"Get help!" Jughead yelled. I will always remember the looks on my friends faces as they saw me. And my dad.

I could feel myself losing consciousness. 

"No, stay awake." Fangs told me. He was crying, because I'd saved his life. But, I couldn't hold on anymore.

My mind went black.

A/N I was actually crying as I wrote the last scene. 

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